Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 13 - 18 of 117
The Australian Citizens Party (ACP) is calling for the Albanese government to implement the recommendations of the Senate inquiry into bank closures in regional Australia in full, including the recommendation for an expert panel on establishing a
  • Australia Post
  • Postal Savings Bank
Australian citizen and former US Navy “Top Gun” pilot Dan Duggan faces an extradition hearing in Sydney this Friday, but only because Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus has hitherto refused to uphold Australian law.
  • Foreign Policy
  • Police state
The Australian Citizens Party is calling on all Australians to get behind heroic whistleblower David McBride and demand Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus drop the government’s petition to the Court to jail him for years for releasing the documents tha
  • Police state
The Albanese government has cynically seized on the stabbing of Assyrian Orthodox Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel in Sydney to re-ignite its push to impose a censorship regime on social media.
  • Police state
Was Scott Morrison medicated on 22 October 2020 when he screamed: “She can go!”?
  • Australia Post
Today is Cash Out Tuesday, when Aussies are urged to withdraw some cash from a bank, ATM or EFTPOS retailer to send a message to bankers that we don’t want their cashless economy.
  • Cash Ban