Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 31 - 36 of 128
This release was first published as an article by Robert Barwick in the 25 August 2021 Australian Alert Service.
  • Foreign Policy
This release was first published as an article by Jeremy Beck in the 18 August 2021 Australian Alert Service.
  • Economy / Trade
  • Environment
  • Science
The latest episode of the Citizens Party’s Citizens Insight YouTube program addresses this question in an interview with a uniquely qualified American historian and political activist, Anton (Tony) Chaitkin.
  • Foreign Policy
  • Economy / Trade
Is an Australian Senator helping two foreign governments pressure the Australian government to change its foreign policy and damage its economy?
  • China
  • Foreign Policy
Australia has a wannabe Senator Joe McCarthy and his name is Senator James Paterson.
  • China
The Australian government and major-party politicians have one response to concerns that bank deposits could be “bailed in”: don’t worry, you’re protected by the $250,000 Financial Claims Scheme (FCS) deposit guarantee.
  • Bail-in