Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 13 - 18 of 178
The Australian Citizens Party (ACP) today urged all Australians to participate in the Senate inquiry into the new Reserve Bank Reforms bill, so that the major political parties don’t get away with sweeping one of the biggest political issues of al
  • Banking / Finance
The Big Four bank CEOs would have been extremely unhappy on Friday as they monitored the Canberra hearing of the Senate inquiry into bank closures in regional Australia.
  • Banking / Finance
  • Postal Savings Bank
Unless the Australian people stop them, the Treasurer and Shadow Treasurer look set to elevate unelected central bankers above the authority of the elected government—enshrining a bankers’ dictatorship with no democratic protections against ideolo
  • Banking / Finance
The following e-petition by the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN) calls for an end to the Force Posture Agreement (FPA) between the United States and Australia.
  • China
  • War
The Australian Citizens Party has launched a video and petition calling for a Senate inquiry into the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) for foreign interference.
  • China
  • Foreign Policy
  • War
After voting down a similar motion in September 2022, this month Temora Shire in NSW reversed its position and carried a motion to support a public post office bank.
  • Postal Savings Bank
  • Banking / Finance