Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 1 - 6 of 149
Note to concerned citizens: Please read the following open letter and forward it to your local federal MP, Treasurer Jim Chalmers, and Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor—details below. Dear Treasurer and Shadow Treasurer,
Banking / Finance
Tell Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor and Coalition MPs and Senators: Don’t let Jim Chalmers put a padlock on the Treasurer’s power to veto RBA interest rate changes!
The CBA boss can’t stop whinging about the “cost” of providing cash, even though it’s his damn job! The CEO of Australia’s biggest bank is a huge sook who hopes his whinging about the cost of providing cash will convince Australian politicians to let him do away with it, the Australian Citizens Party charged today.
Cash Ban, Banking / Finance
New Zealand’s conservative coalition government under National PM Christopher Luxon is contemplating the unthinkable—privatising Kiwibank, the only bank in NZ that provides any competition to the Big Four Australian-owned banks. The Australian Citizens Party (ACP) is urging Kiwis to fight any privatisation plans tooth and nail, and learn from Australia which suffers from not having a public competitor for the Big Four banks.
Banking / Finance, Postal Savings Bank
The Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services (PJCCFS) chaired by Labor Senator Deb O’Neill has refused to publish submissions many bank victims made to its inquiry into “the financial services regulatory framework in relation to financial abuse in Australia”.
The parties that make the laws are above the law. Following the shock pre-selection loss of one of the LNP’s highest-profile and most popular Senators, a Queensland judge has ruled that the major political parties’ internal rules are not accountable under the law. The ruling means that the parties that make the laws are above the law.
Banking / Finance