Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 73 - 78 of 140
The Morrison government is already in damage control over the Hayne Royal Commission’s final report, which they will delay making public until Monday afternoon.
  • Royal Commission
  • Banking / Finance
The farce of bail-in is playing out in Australia right now, with the banks complaining to the regulator that they can no longer find suckers to buy the bail-in bonds that are supposed to be their buffer against a crash.
  • Bail-in
  • Banking / Finance
The government should direct the Auditor-General to conduct an independent audit of Australia’s Big Four banks, in light of the collapsing property bubble to which the major banks are massively exposed.
  • Glass-Steagall
  • Banking / Finance
  • Financial Crisis
Treasury has now joined the central bank and bank regulator in urging the private banks to reopen the floodgates on mortgage lending to avert a housing bubble crash.
  • Financial Crisis
  • Banking / Finance
The Reserve Bank of Australia won’t admit they are contemplating a mega-crash, but that’s what it means when they publicly announce they have the option of Quantitative Easing (QE)—money-printing.
  • Financial Crisis
  • Banking / Finance
For 18 years Denise has fought, on a shoe-string budget, to save victims of mortgage fraud from losing their homes, and expose the inner working of the machinery—the so-called “black box”—that has enabled the banks to commit this fraud on a massiv
  • Royal Commission
  • Glass-Steagall
  • Banking / Finance