Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 157 - 162 of 163
The global bail-in Führer, Bank of England Governor Mark Carney, has just declared the target date for completion of a new global “bail-in” regime, which will legislate forced confiscation of bank deposits when major banks fail, to be the G20 summit in Brisbane on 15-16 November 2014.
Bail-in, Banking / Finance
The Citizens Electoral Council since June has been blaring the news that Australia’s banking authorities are drafting legislation in the Treasury for Cyprus-style “bail-in” powers, so that when an Australian bank fails, the savings of its depositors will be seized to prop the bank up.
Bail-in, Europe, Banking / Finance
The Citizens Electoral Council has just discovered that legislation is being secretly prepared to give Australia’s banking regulator “bail-in” powers to confiscate the savings of the Australian people, just as in Cyprus.
Bail-in, Banking / Finance
No bank deposits anywhere are safe following the disastrous Cyprus “bail-in” using confiscated deposits, because this is now the standard for all future bank rescues.
Bail-in, Europe, Banking / Finance
The Cyprus “solution” sets a precedent for future IMF-dictated banking rescues—deposits will be stolen to prop up banks.
Bail-in, Banking / Finance
The City of London-directed Australian banking cartel is poised to call in huge numbers, and potentially almost all of their loans to farmers and small businesses in the Murray-Darling Basin, in order to crush the Basin’s family farms and communities and so to destroy Australia’s national food security. In fact, that mass foreclosure process is already well underway, as the MDBA’s recent “Rizza report” abundantly documents.
Environment, Infrastructure, Banking / Finance