Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 19 - 24 of 73
This release was first published as an article by Jeremy Beck in the 11 August 2021 Australian Alert Service.
  • Environment
  • Economy / Trade
Shepparton engineer Joe Carmody is a little-known Australian hero.
  • Economy / Trade
  • National Banking
The latest episode of the Citizens Party’s Citizens Insight YouTube program addresses this question in an interview with a uniquely qualified American historian and political activist, Anton (Tony) Chaitkin.
  • Foreign Policy
  • Economy / Trade
A determined and courageous victim of de-banking is fighting back against Big Four banking giant Westpac.
  • Cash Ban
The Senate voted unanimously yesterday to remove the $10,000 cash transaction ban bill from the Notice Paper, effectively dumping it from this Parliament.
  • Cash Ban
Westpac has reportedly “de-banked”—cut off from banking services—hundreds of business clients in recent weeks.
  • Cash Ban