Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

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The CBA boss can’t stop whinging about the “cost” of providing cash, even though it’s his damn job! The CEO of Australia’s biggest bank is a huge sook who hopes his whinging about the cost of providing cash will convince Australian politicians to let him do away with it, the Australian Citizens Party charged today.
Cash Ban, Banking / Finance
Everyone should be furious that cybersecurity company CrowdStrike’s incompetence crashed digital systems worldwide last Friday, because it exposed that too many companies and governments have made us vulnerable by madly embracing digital technology with no thought to keeping basic manual redundancies in case of disruption.
Cash Ban, Postal Savings Bank
Today is Cash Out Tuesday, when Aussies are urged to withdraw some cash from a bank, ATM or EFTPOS retailer to send a message to bankers that we don’t want their cashless economy. Australian Citizens Party Research Director Robert Barwick, who has participated in every hearing of the Senate inquiry into bank closures in regional Australia which is exposing the banks’ cashless agenda, said today:
Cash Ban
The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) is exposing itself to be aligned with elite banking interests against the people of Australia. It’s therefore imperative Australians rally to defeat the current bill giving up the Treasurer’s authority to overrule the RBA, to keep a democratic check on the unelected RBA’s power.
Cash Ban, Banking / Finance
The Senate is holding a quick inquiry into the 8 November Optus outage, which caused financial, economic and social chaos right across Australia. The Australian Citizens Party urges all concerned Australians to take the opportunity to send Parliament the loudest message it has ever heard.
Cash Ban
For the next 20 days Australians have an opportunity to submit to Treasury’s consultation on a new bill to regulate digital payments in the payments system. This is an opportunity to send a very strong message to the government: whatever you do to regulate new digital payments, you must also protect the only payment system that is 100 per cent certain, reliable, and private—cash!
Cash Ban, Postal Savings Bank