Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 43 - 48 of 104
  Australian Senators should demand real proof before supporting Mike Pompeo’s “genocide” accusation against China.
  • War
The Senate voted unanimously yesterday to remove the $10,000 cash transaction ban bill from the Notice Paper, effectively dumping it from this Parliament.
  • Cash Ban
Westpac has reportedly “de-banked”—cut off from banking services—hundreds of business clients in recent weeks.
  • Cash Ban
The Senate on Wednesday 7 October will vote on the Morrisons government’s bill to extend the trials of the Indue cashless welfare card.
  • Cash Ban
The Morrison government’s bill to ban cash transactions over $10,000 would send Australians to jail for spending their own cash.
  • Cash Ban
This release was originally an article under the same title by Robert Barwick published in the 24 June 2020 Australian Alert Service.
  • Cash Ban