Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 13 - 18 of 105
Australians smashed by interest rate rises are paying the price for decades of the Reserve Bank of Australia ignoring its lawful mandate in favour of a policy dictated by neoliberal think tanks.
  • National Banking
The Big Four banks claim customers are “choosing” to bank online, but they are trying to force Australians into digital vulnerability to boost their own profits and control.
  • Postal Savings Bank
  • Cash Ban
Help count the number of cashless outlets that banks are trying to pass off as branches. In the ongoing war on cash, the big banks are opening cashless banking outlets, or shifting existing branches to cashless outlets.
  • Cash Ban
Must watch interview with former NZ Cabinet Minister Matt Robson:
  • National Banking
Support a national bank to fund the full Bradfield Scheme.
  • National Banking
  • Infrastructure
The government must not use budget excuses to penny-pinch on flood relief and reconstruction, as it can direct the RBA to issue the needed credit.
  • National Banking