Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

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More than 110,000 Australians have signed a petition for an “Australian cash and banking guarantee”. The petition was launched by Jason Bryce, who leads the “Cash Welcome” campaign which encourages all businesses to allow the option of payment in cash.
Cash Ban, Postal Savings Bank
Due to high demand, the Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport (RARAT) Committee has extended the deadline for submissions to its inquiry into bank closures in regional Australia by a month, to 28 April.
Cash Ban, Postal Savings Bank
The banks are pushing customers to do their banking online, but NAB’s mistreatment of Paul Thomas shows this gives the banks enormous power over consumers which they are all too willing to abuse. Last month on a Friday, 24 February, Big Four bank NAB cut off customer Paul Thomas from accessing his online business banking account through NAB Mobile Banking.
Cash Ban, Postal Savings Bank
Fight hard for the win-win solution: a government post office bank that guarantees service and cash access, and forces the private banking cartel to compete. The fight to save regional banking services and access to cash heated up over the summer holiday period, with unprecedented media coverage of the issues.
Cash Ban, Postal Savings Bank
Demand the Treasurer intervene with bank CEOs and insist they earn their taxpayer guarantees and subsidies by maintaining branch services in communities. In the next fortnight, the big banks which gorge themselves on massive profits from taxpayer support will shut down branches in 10 regional towns around Australia.
Banking / Finance, Cash Ban
The Big Four banks claim customers are “choosing” to bank online, but they are trying to force Australians into digital vulnerability to boost their own profits and control. The closure of bank branches in Australia has become a crisis for customers, communities, and staff, but the banks’ own figures prove they are lying about their reasons for doing it.
Postal Savings Bank, Cash Ban