Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 25 - 30 of 75
Australia needs a government and institutions that can meet the urgent needs of the people.
  • Economy / Trade
  • National Banking
The major political parties’ economic policies from the 1980s onwards smashed Australian manufacturing, which shrank from 20 per cent of GDP in 1980 to barely 5 per cent now.
  • Economy / Trade
  • Infrastructure
The barrage of lies continues to soften up the Australian public to accept the ‘inevitable’ war with China.
  • China
  • War
In Shakespeare’s tragedy Othello, the heroic general by that name is incited into a murderous rage by a web of malicious lies spun by his trusted adviser Iago.
  • War
  • China
The British court ruling last week upholding the USA’s appeal on extraditing Julian Assange is the final straw.
  • War
  • Foreign Policy
This release was first published as an article by Robert Barwick in the 20 October 2021 Australian Alert Service.
  • China