Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 31 - 36 of 62
The Australian people must weigh up both the wisdom and cost of the Morrison government’s policy of confronting China.
  • China
On 18 September 2015, knife-wielding terrorists killed 50 off-duty workers at a coal mine. “Nearly all the workers who were not on shift at the time were killed or injured”, said police officer Ekber Hashim, according to Reuters.
  • China
  • Terrorism
Click here to read an original eight-article Australian Alert Service series “Xin
  • China
The death-knell of neoliberalism in Australia is sounding louder, with a landmark policy recommendation inserted in the end of a Parliamentary report handed down mid-March.
  • National Banking
  • Infrastructure
The man behind bail-in, former G20-BIS Financial Stability Board Chairman Mark Carney, is now active in another swindle in his current role as United Nations Special Envoy on Climate Action and Finance.
  • Environment
The nominally “Australian” think tank behind the widely reported accusations that China is using its Uyghur Muslim minority as forced labour is itself sponsored by American and British arms companies that have profited from forced prison labour.
  • China