Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 13 - 18 of 43
Australia urgently needs a moratorium on foreclosures of family homes and farms, and a program to restructure unpayable household and bank debt.
  • National Banking
  • Economy / Trade
  • Financial Crisis
  • Banking / Finance
A Parliamentary inquiry into diversifying trade and investment is an excellent opportunity for a public discussion of the immense benefits of a national development bank.
  • National Banking
  • Economy / Trade
This release was originally an article under the same title by Jeremy Beck published in the 29 April 2020 Australian Alert Service.
  • Economy / Trade
  Use the CEFC to invest in new manufacturing and badly needed productive infrastructure.
  • Economy / Trade
Tearing up the disastrous Murray-Darling Basin Plan is essential to save Australian agriculture. Dam levels across the entire basin are at only 33 per cent capacity and yet we’re only at the start of summer.
  • Environment
While the mainstream media provides non-stop coverage of the unrest occurring in Hong Kong, recent turmoil in Ecuador barely rates a mention, yet seven protestors are dead, 1,340 injured and 1,152 have been arrested.
  • China
  • Economy / Trade