Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 13 - 17 of 17
While the mainstream media provides non-stop coverage of the unrest occurring in Hong Kong, recent turmoil in Ecuador barely rates a mention, yet seven protestors are dead, 1,340 injured and 1,152 have been arrested.
  • China
  • Economy / Trade
This release is an edited version of an article by the same title in the 3 July 2019 Australian Alert Service by Jeremy Beck.
  • Health
  • Economy / Trade
True to form, the Turnbull government has rushed to endorse the latest fabricated pretext for war on Syria.
  • Syria
  • War
  • Middle East
The liars who orchestrated the illegal invasion of Iraq 15 years ago are today fabricating similar lies to whip up hostilities against Russia and China.
  • War
  • Middle East
  • Foreign Policy
  • Russia
  • China
Over the last week, a number of leading US and Israeli intelligence and national security specialists warned that Benjamin Netanyahu, currently a candidate for prime minister of Israel, could orchestrate a terrorist attack such as a car bombing in
  • War
  • Middle East