Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 19 - 24 of 32
The Citizens Electoral Council has today issued a new mass-distribution flyer on policy solutions to the oncoming global financial crisis, “The five-point program for Australia to survive the new global crash”.
  • Glass-Steagall
  • National Banking
  • Infrastructure
  • Banking / Finance
An Eyre Peninsula nuclear power station would be a “game changer” for South Australia, providing cheap electricity, and power for water desalination to support a new agricultural irrigation scheme.
  • Energy & Resources
  • Infrastructure
More evidence has emerged that the APRA bail-in law passed in February does not exclude ordinary deposits from being converted into worthless shares or written off to prop up failing banks, a.k.a. bailed in, as some politicians assumed.
  • Bail-in
  • Banking / Finance
  • Financial Claims Scheme
The urgency of a Glass-Steagall separation of deposit-taking banks from dangerous speculation, is that it is necessary to protect Australians from a financial collapse.
  • Financial Crisis
  • Bail-in
  • Financial Claims Scheme
  • Banking / Finance
True to form, the Turnbull government has rushed to endorse the latest fabricated pretext for war on Syria.
  • Syria
  • War
  • Middle East
A former principal researcher at bank regulator APRA has revealed in a submission to a Senate inquiry that, contrary to government reassurances, Australian bank deposits are not guaranteed.
  • Financial Claims Scheme
  • Bail-in
  • Banking / Finance