Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 19 - 24 of 30
The breaking news on 11 December is an example of why Australia’s exporters deserve to be furious.
  • Foreign Policy
Learn the truth that Parliament is trying to cover up!
  • Foreign Policy
The 29 May High Court judgement that the “palace letters” between Queen Elizabeth II and Governor-General John Kerr in the Whitlam dismissal should not remain secret is a significant step in the fight for Australian sovereignty.
  • Foreign Policy
The following release is an article by Robert Barwick in the 29 May 2019 Australian Alert Service, the weekly magazine of the Citizens Electoral Council.
  • Police state
  • Russia
  • War
In April 2018, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten rushed to back the US, British and French airstrikes on Syria for the alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma.
  • Syria
  • War
Australia’s political class is quick to criticise the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for its control of China, but when it comes to foreign policy, Australia is no less a one-party state.
  • China
  • Foreign Policy