Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 19 - 24 of 81
This media release is an article that was published in the Australian Alert Service on 26 February 2020. Julian Assange’s extradition hearing commenced on 24 February.
  • Police state
Piggybacking off the Australian bushfires, and in time to appeal to the 119 oh-so-wonderful billionaires assembled at the annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, the architects of “bail-in” at the Bank for International Settlements (BIS
  • Banking / Finance
  • Police state
The following article on justice for Julian Assange was published in the Australian Alert Service on 23 October.
  • Police state
Since the election in May, the Morrison government, Reserve Bank and Australian Prudential Regulation Authority have thrown everything and the kitchen sink at reversing the fall in house prices.
  • Housing
  • Financial Crisis
While the major banks, regulators and government have done everything in their power to block any moves towards bank separation, they have ignored one important point: separation would be good for the banks as businesses.
  • Glass-Steagall
The local mayor, state MP and federal MP for Mandurah, Western Australia, have attacked the Interests Of The People (IOTP) show “The Economic Massacre of Mandurah”
  • Housing