Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 7 - 12 of 15
Since the election in May, the Morrison government, Reserve Bank and Australian Prudential Regulation Authority have thrown everything and the kitchen sink at reversing the fall in house prices. They have been desperate to avert a crisis in the major banks, which have the highest exposure to household debt of any banks in the world—far higher than the banks in the USA and Europe that collapsed when their housing bubbles burst in 2008.
Housing, Financial Crisis
The 28 July 60 Minutes story on Crown Casino confirms that Australia’s authorities “aid and abet money laundering”, as whistleblower Helen Edwards has declared in an explosive new special episode of the CEC Report. Click here to watch: Interview with Helen Edwards: Australia is a money laundering washing machine!
Cash Ban, Bail-in, Money Laundering
The local mayor, state MP and federal MP for Mandurah, Western Australia, have attacked the Interests Of The People (IOTP) show “The Economic Massacre of Mandurah” for exposing that their city is the leading edge of Australia’s housing and economic crisis.
If there were any doubt that Australia’s banking system is corrupt, Graeme Samuel’s Capability Review of the bank regulator, the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), removes it completely.
Bail-in, Housing
With a second high-rise residential tower in Sydney now forced to evacuate due to structural weakness, Australia needs a royal commission—or similarly empowered inquiry that can’t be rigged—to examine the crimes that have been rife in the construction boom. All levels of government have ignored these crimes, but they are now putting people’s lives in danger.
With the election charade out of the way, we can now see the truth about the economy in the actions of the economic authorities—it’s a full-blown emergency! In a series of stunning announcements, the government, bank regulator APRA and the Reserve Bank, have confirmed that they are in a complete panic about the economy.
Housing, Financial Crisis