Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 73 - 78 of 89
  By 18 December, flood the government’s Regional Banking Taskforce with submissions calling for a postal bank.
Postal Savings Bank, Australia Post, Banking / Finance
Mortgage stress now grips 42 per cent of Australian households, according to a UNSW City Futures Research Centre survey. This is a sharp increase from 30 per cent in February 2020. The UNSW survey defines mortgage stress as households with less than 5 per cent of residual household income left over after paying normal household expenses, including on housing.
Housing, Financial Crisis
In another victory for the grassroots campaign that exposed the real agenda behind Scott Morrison’s unlawful removal of Australia Post CEO Christine Holgate, two of the Big Four banks have recommitted to Australia Post banking services long-term.
Postal Savings Bank, Australia Post
The Senate’s Australia Post inquiry report, tabled in Parliament yesterday (15 June), was the culmination of the amazing campaign to support Christine Holgate and the thousands of Licensed Post Offices (LPOs) she saved with her 2018 banking deal. That campaign brought home the need for a permanent solution to secure the long-term viability of LPOs and guarantee banking services for all Australians, which is a post office “people’s bank”.
Postal Savings Bank, Banking / Finance, Australia Post
To free community post offices from bad management and banks, and guarantee financial services in regional and abandoned communities, turn each post office into a branch of a people’s bank.
Postal Savings Bank
Christine Holgate has now moved on from Australia Post, but the government and board must be held accountable, and AusPost must become a people’s bank.
Postal Savings Bank, National Banking