Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 7 - 12 of 38
Australians who value truth and oppose the rush to war are encouraged to be in Canberra on 12-13 November to support Afghanistan war crimes whistleblower David McBride in court. The world strategic situation is vulnerable and deteriorating rapidly, in part due to the legacy of the US-UK forever wars which Australia supported, including in Afghanistan.
The following e-petition by the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN) calls for an end to the Force Posture Agreement (FPA) between the United States and Australia. Even before the $368 billion AUKUS submarine deal, the 2014 FPA had already handed over Australia’s sovereignty to the US military, giving it total control over US bases on Australian soil from which to instigate a war with China.
China, War
The Australian Citizens Party has launched a video and petition calling for a Senate inquiry into the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) for foreign interference. The ACP’s video charges: “A sinister, well-funded institute is warping Australian public opinion for the benefit of its foreign militaristic masters.”
China, Foreign Policy, War
While hosting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on 22 September 2023, the Speaker of Canada’s House of Commons honoured the presence in the gallery of a 98 year-old “Ukrainian-Canadian war veteran from the Second World War who fought for Ukrainian independence against the Russians.”
War, Foreign Policy
Australia publicly condemns war crimes but is prosecuting the man who exposed Australian war crimes in Afghanistan. Demand the government drop the charges against David McBride for telling the truth. Australians are being forced to confront the issue of our soldiers committing war crimes in our name in Afghanistan. As we should.
To help escalate pressure on Albanese, get involved—email, call, join delegations, and rally at the Victorian ALP conference on Saturday the 17th which the PM will attend (details below). The UK’s denial last week of Julian Assange’s appeal against extradition to the USA proves that Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s approach of advocating for Assange just by saying “enough is enough” is not good enough.