Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 121 - 126 of 490
A former New Zealand Cabinet Minister has warned that the actions of Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern in tying their two countries to NATO is pushing the Pacific towards war.
  • War
Tell your MP this week: Australia needs a post office ‘people’s bank’
  • Postal Savings Bank
The last Treasurer questioned the safety of super fund derivatives, but the biggest derivatives gamblers are the banks. Only a public post office bank will keep deposits truly safe.
  • Postal Savings Bank
  • Derivatives
This release was first published as an article in the 6 July 2022 Australian Alert Service.
  • Energy & Resources
Must watch interview with former NZ Cabinet Minister Matt Robson:
  • National Banking
Bank branch closures have cut off hundreds of communities, especially in regional Australia, from essential financial services.
  • Postal Savings Bank