Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 133 - 138 of 490
The primary purpose of Scott Morrison’s plan to give first home buyers access to their superannuation is not to help young Australian afford a home, but to keep the big banks ringing up profits from mortgages.
  • Housing
This release was first published as an article in the 11 May 2022 Australian Alert Service.
  • China
  • War
The Citizens Party is leading the campaign for Australia to establish a public post office bank, which would have enormous benefits for our nation (see below).
  • Postal Savings Bank
This release was first published as an article in the 4 May 2022 Australian Alert Service.
  • Economy / Trade
  • China
Australia’s housing bubble faces a reckoning, following today’s decision by the central bank to finally lift interest rates, by 0.25 per cent.
  • Housing
All Australians, without exception, should be highly alarmed by the dangerous tone of this federal election campaign.
  • Foreign Policy
  • China
  • War