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Lead Editorial

16 June 2021
Vol. 23. No. 24

Evidently from pronouncements during his UK jaunt, trade is all-important to Prime Minister Scott Morrison— just not when it comes to China. In that case, everything can be sacrificed. Hypocrisy, you say? Not if you are in the Prime Minister’s mindset, which elevates Australia even beyond its role as Anglo-American “deputy sheriff” in the region, to a handmaiden to usher in global changes which assuredly put us on the path to war and chaos.

The free trade deal signed with the UK was promoted in a submission by British banking giant HSBC to the 2017 Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade. It spelled out the importance of a free trade deal with Australia, one of the UK’s top three priority deals due to our geographic location: “One significant opportunity that Australia can offer the UK is the potential for British investors to invest in Australia as a way of capturing growth in Asia.”

During a 2018 trip to Australia, UK Minister for Trade and Export Promotion and former HSBC director Baroness Rona Fairhead reiterated Britain’s long-held plan to dominate Asian financial flows. The UK is taking advantage of a “deep shared heritage … for the UK to launch into a region which stands to deliver nearly two thirds of global growth to 2030”, stated the UK Department for International Trade’s website at the time. (“HSBC minister pushes Trojan Horse trade agreement”, AAS, 10 Oct. 2018.)

The post-colonial incarnation of the British Empire was an “informal financial empire”, taking the form of a vast network of private and central banks, controlled regulators, rigged financial markets and tax havens, centred in the City of London and Wall Street. That system is undergoing yet another transformation using environmental concerns to justify a take-over of economic policy-making across the globe, dubbed financial “regime change”. At the end of the G7 Cornwall Summit, a four-page “G7 2030 Nature Compact” was signed, to further wind back the industrial era. To head off real development, the participants put up an “alternative” to China’s Belt and Road Initiative (p. 14).

The UK’s “Global Britain” program exploits the networks of the British Commonwealth and Five Eyes spying alliance (USA, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) to establish British access to Asia through arrangements such as the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for TransPacific Partnership. The CPTPP was originally set up as part of the Anglo-American “Pivot to Asia”—to surround China militarily and economically—and as such excludes China. But condemning China does not mean missing out on financial benefits, for Britain at least.

This is the same Five Eyes that has hijacked Australia’s foreign policy, wiping out Australian-Chinese diplomacy— while constantly attacking New Zealand for preserving its diplomacy. It is also dictating economic policy, which was heralded by Treasurer Josh Frydenberg after a 6 June 2020 Five Eyes dialogue. As Anglo-American intelligence agencies have done in the past, they are intervening to disrupt plans for global collaboration to address the myriad crises the world is facing. (“Don’t leave Australia’s economic future up to spies!”, AAS, 24 June 2020.)

While the G7, which includes the authors of recent preemptive wars and unilateral regime change operations, threw around jargon about “inclusivity” and the “rulesbased order”, a Chinese embassy spokesman in London calmly pointed out: “There is only one system and one order in the world, that is, the international system with the United Nations at the core and the international order based on international law, not the so-called system and order advocated by a handful of countries.”

In keeping with this notion, a beautiful and optimistic vision for the world is unfolding in the form of alliances for public and postal banking, springing up like mushrooms across the globe. Our intervention to save Australia Post is a critical addition to this movement, and transforming it into a Postal Bank would be a massive victory!

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