1. The super swindle exposed!
2. The foreign interference scandal nobody’s talking about
Presented by Elisa Barwick and Robert Barwick
Video Download (This link will direct you to our VIMEO channel, where you can click "Download" in the video description. Select the best video file for your needs).
Sign the Citizens Party Petition to create an Australia Post Bank!: https://info.citizensparty.org.au/auspost-bank-petition
Download the Commonwealth Postal Savings Bank Resolution and mobilise local councils and other institutions!: https://citizensparty.org.au/sites/default/files/2021-06/Unite-Australia-in-support-of-the-Commonwealth-Postal-Savings-Bank.pdf
Subscribe to the Australian Alert Service: https://info.citizensparty.org.au/subscribe
-----Campaign Update-----
Watch Exposed! The privatisation plot against Australia Post: https://youtu.be/F8q6rGPwFW0
-----Topic 1: The super swindle exposed!-----
Watch BUILD THE BRADFIELD SCHEME! Australia must return to nation building! a NATIONAL BANK can fund it: https://youtu.be/qa1zf_kV2v0
-----Topic 2: The foreign interference scandal nobody’s talking about-----
Read the 4 August Media Release Kimberley Kitching’s Magnitsky bill is a fraud on the Australian Parliament: https://citizensparty.org.au/media-releases/kimberley-kitchings-magnitsky-bill-fraud-australian-parliament
Watch CITIZENS INSIGHT Magnitsky Acts are dangerous laws based on a hoax: https://youtu.be/3-Cu4iTKNrE
Watch CITIZENS INSIGHT The United States of America: A Blessing or a Curse to Mankind?: https://youtu.be/4F8dA4uFTlM