Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



CREATE A PUBLIC POST OFFICE BANK! – The solution to the closure of local bank branches

The major banks have closed more than 350 bank branches in the last two years and research shows that since 1975, regional Australia has lost 62% of its banks!  For the banks, it’s merely a question of cost cutting and maximising profits.  But for millions of elderly, poor, and regional Australians without access to the internet, it’s devastating, and even life threatening.

A government-created post office bank is the solution to the closure of local bank branches.  Towns and cities across Australia can regain full access to banking services if our government were to create a public post office bank - a ‘people’s bank.‘

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Sign the petition to support the creation of an Australian public post office bank:

4 Aug 2022
Postal Savings Bank
National Banking
Banking / Finance
Page last updated on 04 August 2022