Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Save our post offices—sign the petition!

- Citizens Party Media Release

Support the small business licensees who run two thirds of post offices in their fight to expand services to the communities they serve.

Please sign the following Parliamentary e-petition to support the hard-working small business families who run Australia’s 2,850 licensed post offices (LPOs) in their fight to expand services to save post offices, against the management of Australia Post who want to cut services and plan to shut hundreds of post offices.

Click here to sign the petition.

If you have already signed the version of this petition, it is very important that you sign this one as well—it goes straight to Parliament and the government is required to respond.

The Australian Citizens Party is fighting very hard to save post offices because the win-win solution to saving postal services and banking services is to establish a government-owned post office People’s Bank. The revenue from banking will fund post offices, while the post office network will enable the bank to serve every community in Australia. But if Australia Post gets its way and shuts hundreds of post offices, the effective reach of the bank will be reduced. To save post offices we must win the fight to establish the bank, but to get the bank we must fight to save post offices!

Please sign this petition now!

Click here to sign the following petition.

Help grow our Local Community Post Office

Petition Reason

  1. For our community to remain vibrant and relevant, it is essential that people can stay, live and work here, supported by essential infrastructure and services.
  2. Our Post Office provides essential services to this community. It must therefore remain viable by being able to provide an increasing number of services to the communities, not less.
  3. Our Community Post Office faces cuts in services and is unfairly blocked by Australia Post from providing other services. For the benefit of the whole community, our Community Post Office should be the local hub for ALL of my parcels, regardless of who sent my parcel to me or which delivery service they used.
  4. Many Local Community Post Offices are independently-owned small businesses run by members of our community. It is essential that all businesses have an opportunity to grow. This can be achieved by increasing the number of services they provide and being able to choose how to serve their community better.
  5. It will benefit our community if the Local Community Post Office is allowed to work with additional service providers, so they can provide more choice and more services to my community, allowing it to remain a viable business that can provide valuable services to our community for years to come.

Petition Request

We therefore ask the House to remove restrictions and allow the Licensees of Independent Local Post Offices to provide additional services and choice to better serve our local communities and remain sustainable for many years to come.

Click here to sign the petition.

NOTE: When you sign this petition on Parliament’s website, you will be required to verify your signature through your email. Your signature is not accepted until you do, so make sure you complete that final step.


Australia Post
Postal Savings Bank