Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 13 - 18 of 31
New Zealand’s competition regulator has called on the government to back the public Kiwibank to force competition onto Australia’s profit-gouging Big Four banks.
  • Postal Savings Bank
Israel’s killing of Australian aid worker Zomi Frankcom and six World Central Kitchen colleagues in Gaza on 1 April has brought home to Australia’s government and broader community the reality of Netanyahu’s indiscriminate, plausibly genocidal sla
  • War
Today is Cash Out Tuesday, when Aussies are urged to withdraw some cash from a bank, ATM or EFTPOS retailer to send a message to bankers that we don’t want their cashless economy.
  • Cash Ban
The latest UK Court ruling on Assange is an opportunity for Australians to bombard politicians with calls and emails demanding action before 16 April—details below.
  • Police state
NEW: Sign the new petition to “Save Cheques”.
  • Banking / Finance
  • Postal Savings Bank
Andrew Hastie and Tony Abbott are trying to install a candidate in WA who has written a fictional book to scare people about a Chinese invasion of Australia.
  • War
  • China