Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 13 - 18 of 18
Valentine’s Day last week was the second anniversary of the government ramming through its “bail-in” law to steal deposits for propping up failing banks.
  • Cash Ban
  • Bail-in
STOP PRESS: Morrison blinks on cash ban! The Morrison government has delayed the Senate report on the cash ban, originally due tomorrow, until 28 February to consider the evidence.
  • Cash Ban
This week is make-or-break for the cash ban. The Senate inquiry hands down its report on Friday ahead of an expected Senate vote next week.
  • Cash Ban
Two weeks to make every politician watch “What’s the evidence of the need for Morrison’s cash ban?”
  • Cash Ban
The Senate inquiry into the Morrison government’s totalitarian cash ban bill is due to hand down its report in just over three weeks.
  • Cash Ban
Following along behind the United States into a crisis of the Trump administration’s own making, the Australian government has just torn the 200 Royal Australian Navy personnel on HMAS Toowoomba away from their families to send them into ha
  • War