Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Media Releases

Displaying 13 - 18 of 28
The Morrison government showed its contempt for democracy and parliamentary procedure by ramming its totalitarian cash ban bill through the House of Representatives yesterday, without waiting for the outcome of the Senate inquiry into the bill.
  • Cash Ban
The actions of the Australian government and central bank, and US Federal Reserve, betray real desperation about the state of the Australian and global financial system.
  • Cash Ban
Crisis rumblings in global financial system make stopping cash ban and bail-in urgent to force the government to reform the failed financial system, not prop it up at the people’s expense.
  • Cash Ban
The Liberal-National Coalition MPs and Senators in the government endorsed the $10,000 cash ban bill in their 17 September party-room meeting; it is now likely to be introduced into Parliament this week.
  • Cash Ban
  • Bail-in
Australia’s corrupt banking establishment have used their cheap home-brand toilet paper, the Australian Financial Review, to attack the public opposition to the Morrison government’s $10,000 cash ban.
  • Cash Ban
The Reserve Bank of Australia and global accounting giant KPMG are coordinating a program to turn Australia into a financial surveillance state.
  • Cash Ban