Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



When the powerful lose control

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The Australian Alert Service is the weekly publication of the Australian Citizens Party.

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Lead Editorial

9 June 2021
Vol. 23. No. 23

Nothing to offer. The Liberal National Party stall at a recent Toowoomba field day only had children’s colouring in books for the public (left), whereas the Citizens Party provided a wealth of literature for the public to understand our ideas, which the establishment rightly see as a threat.

There is a soap opera sideshow playing out in Australia at the moment between the ABC and its flagship Four Corners program, and the Morrison government and Murdoch media. Four Corners is aggressively pursuing stories that are damaging to government ministers, including the Christian Porter rape accusation and a story about Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s personal friendship with a QAnon devotee; the government and Murdoch machine are attacking the ABC and Four Corners for “activist journalism”. Politics as usual, in other words.

Meanwhile, Four Corners is planning something far more interesting—a story on the Christine Holgate-Australia Post drama that is likely to include an attack on the Citizens Party (p. 3). Four Corners reporter Michael Brissenden is conducting interviews for the story in which he also asks about the role of the Citizens Party, premised on the accusations that Labor Senator Kimberley Kitching and Liberal Senator Sarah Henderson levelled against the party in their bipartisan attack during the hearings. As the Citizens Party has forcefully asserted in letters that are now published on the Senate Committee’s website, their deeply offensive accusations of racism and anti-Semitism are false, but the truth doesn’t matter to the two major parties and Four Corners. These ostensibly warring factions are prepared to put their bitter public enmity aside and unite to put down the insurgency, as they see it, that the Citizens Party is leading in Australian politics.

(And it must be a big deal if Four Corners is involved— the program did a hit job on the party, then the Citizens Electoral Council, in 1996, which didn’t succeed in destroying the party as intended, so thereafter the CEC was subjected to a mainstream media blackout for the next two decades.)

It is clear that these powerful factions of the Establishment are reeling in shock at what the Citizens Party achieved with the Christine Holgate campaign. What terrifies them most is that it is not an aberration. The party’s recent successes in helping to marshal and lead coalitions of forces to fight the “bail-in” policy of confiscating deposits to prop up failing banks, the attempt to ban cash transactions over $10,000, and now the privatisation of Australia Post, has coincided with the dramatic falling away of support for the two major political parties that they are incapable of winning back. The latest evidence was the Upper Hunter state by-election in New South Wales on 22 May, when the Nationals retained the seat they have held for 95 years but with just 31.2 per cent of the primary vote, while the once-great ALP could only attract 21.2 per cent of first preference votes. The evaporating support for the major parties is becoming terminal, putting them at risk of the kinds of political upheavals witnessed in Europe over the past decade or so in the wake of the global financial crisis, where once-dominant parties have collapsed into oblivion.

The threat the Citizens Party represents to the Establishment is not measured in votes, although they no doubt fear votes will also come. The party represents ideas, and the leadership that comes from ideas. During those decades of media blackout the party focused on fighting for solutions to the economic crisis we knew would inevitably come, informed by a deep understanding of economics, history, and global politics. The party’s collaboration with the worldwide political association led by the late American economist Lyndon LaRouche (see Almanac), for which we are being attacked now, was in pursuit of “peace through economic development”, based on an understanding that economic solutions are universal, and should benefit all people and nations. Since the eruption of the crisis in 2008, the Citizens Party’s ideas of national banking etc, to make the financial system serve the real economy, have come to the fore. What have the major parties got to combat them? Nothing (except colouring-in books!), hence the fear—and smears.

In this issue:

  • Will Four Corners’ Australia Post story be a dishonest hit job?
  • Sterling scandal caused by regulation designed to fail
  • Does extreme Fed juggling act signal the end is nigh?
  • Decarbonisation push escalates in legal battle
  • COVID lab leak ‘science’ refuted
  • A window on UK Russia policy: response to Chatham House Russia paper
  • Nuclear war over Taiwan? Then, and now
  • The story the ABC should tell—about potent political methods
  • What do we actually remember about Tiananmen Square?
  • ALMANAC: The LaRouche movement’s development pathway to Mideast peace

Click here for the archive of previous issues of the Australian Alert Service

Economy / Trade
Page last updated on 14 June 2021