Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Peter Flynn - Citizens Party Senate Candidate for the Northern Territory

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Peter Flynn
Citizens Party Senate Candidate for the Northern Territory
Enquiries Phone: 0418 895 958    Email:

I have been a candidate for the Citizens Party in both the Senate and House of Representatives at every election since I discovered the party in 1998 and realised there is an Australian political party that genuinely has the interest of the nation and the people as their priority. The ACP is not a populist party that just wants to be elected for the sake of power; our candidates fight for real policy solutions which put the welfare of the people ahead of powerful vested interests, and that makes us very unpopular with the Establishment and its political hacks.

I am 69 years old, with four adult children and six grandchildren. I’ve lived and operated an earth-moving contractor business in Humpty Doo for 30 years; I grew up on a wheat and sheep property in Western Australia, served six years in the Australian Navy, and worked as a heavy equipment mechanical fitter and construction supervisor, so I feel I have a darn good understanding of the difference between a productive economy that produces physical wealth, and the phony financial house-of-cards economy we have today.

The Citizens Party’s policy platform is focused on the urgent policy decisions needed to free Australia’s banking system from the global casino. Separating our divisions of banking (commercial from investment) under a Glass-Steagall styled bank separation is the vital first step for a recovery program; then government credit directed through a national credit bank into major infrastructure programs will be the catalyst for an economic science-driver and revival of our primary and secondary industries.

With inflation already ballooning and interest rates slated to rise, both here and around the world, tens of thousands of Australian families and businesses who have borrowed exorbitant amounts of money at record low interest rates, are at very real risk of hardship and default. The general public needs to know that there is a way forward for the nation; the prospect of decent, well-paying and meaningful jobs and opportunities, especially for the younger generation whose future is otherwise pretty pessimistic.

I am standing as a Senate candidate for the Northern Territory in 2022 because I believe it is vital that we, as Territorians, play our part in developing and rebuilding our physical economy—something we are well-placed and capable of doing, with the right policies and vision.

I am also deeply concerned about Australia’s current foolish gung-ho confrontation with China, one of our most important trading partners and neighbours. Given the NT’s location and proximity to Asia, the federal government’s deliberate geopolitical destabilisation of the region has huge defence implications for us all. I believe we must pursue a policy of “peace through economic development” and old-fashioned diplomacy instead of hostile confrontation.

The ACP’s policies and ideas empower all of us to realise our potential as citizens of this great country, and in so doing, give all of us, especially the next generations, a real mission for our lives: to uphold the “common good” and to make this nation and the world, a safer and better place for all of our citizens. Our present leadership lacks the moral quality, the competence and vision required in this time of crisis.

It is time to deliver an unequivocal message to the major parties that they have been “weighed in the balances and been found wanting”. I ask for your vote and your support.

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Federal Election 2022
Page last updated on 18 May 2022