Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Glenn Vessey - Citizens Party Candidate for Hawke (VIC)

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Glenn Vessey
Citizens Party Candidate for Hawke (VIC)
Enquiries Phone: 0447 030 347    Email:

I am 58 years old, currently living in Wildwood, Victoria, and I am running for the Citizens Party in the newly established seat of Hawke.

I was raised in Coolaroo, Victoria. My mum worked at the Broadmeadows Army Barracks Century Gate during the Vietnam War. At the age of 13 I joined the Naval Reserve Cadets in Williamstown for four years and was privileged to help restore the HMAS Castlemaine. During that time, I started my apprenticeship as a fibrous plasterer. I then went on to work at the Aviation Rescue Firefighting training centre in Tullamarine for a period of two years before becoming a Fireman at Avalon Airport during the construction of the FA18’s.

I purchased my first home in Grovedale, Geelong, before the housing interest rates skyrocketed to more than 17 per cent. Whilst living in the City of Geelong I saw firsthand the debacle of the 1990 Pyramid collapse, witnessing families lose everything, with people even taking their own lives.

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That same year, I transferred to Cairns, enabling Cairns Airport to become International, thereby boosting tourism. In 2000 I worked part time as an Apprenticeship Commissioner for plasterers and was approached to find plasterers willing to trial a new Australian made product, Quartzon. I had done 14 years as an Aviation Fireman and accepted the opportunity to start my own company, to trial this Australian made product.

Whilst still living in far north Queensland I was asked to trowel a pool for the West Leagues Club in Newcastle, NSW, which was rebuilt after being destroyed by an earthquake. After completing this task, I moved to Cronulla, Sydney, for approximately five years before eventually returning home to Melbourne. I have continued in the swimming pool industry as the only recommended applicator for Quartzon in Victoria and as an International Trainer for them. In addition to my pool plastering company, I also lease a small farm in Wildwood, raising cattle.

I have long been interested in politics and have been involved with the Australian Citizens Party for the past five years, after learning about the financial consequences of the 1999 repeal of the American Glass-Steagall Act, which allowed banks unfettered permission to speculate with their customers deposits for the first time since Glass-Steagall was enacted in 1933. This deregulation of banks led to the global financial crisis of 2007 and eventually to our own Government sneakily implementing “Bail-in” laws in February 2018, making it legal for our bank deposits to be seized in the event of another major banking crisis.

Along with a Commonwealth Postal Savings Bank, the Citizens Party’s plan for a Development and Infrastructure Bank will both protect the Australian public from unscrupulous private banks, and catapult our economy and standard of living to a new level. Financing major healthcare, transport, manufacturing, water, energy, environment, and agriculture projects, supporting a larger population and growing our economy, will ensure that future generations will have the opportunity to thrive.

I am enthusiastic about caring for the environment as I am a 40-year Scuba Diver, but the current path of our “green” technology will, in another 20 years or so, just leave us with mountains of waste, full of heavy metals, that will be too expensive to recycle. We need to have clean nuclear power supplying the base load to our energy grid, not lithium battery packs! I passionately believe that we must invest in technologies to reduce pollution as much as possible, but we must also ensure a liveable future. We can and must achieve both goals.

I ask for your support in the upcoming election. VOTE for the Australian Citizens Party.

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Page last updated on 08 May 2022