Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Chris Lahy - CEC candidate for Mallee

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Chris Lahy
CEC candidate for Mallee
Phone: 0427 540 388    Email:

Chris Lahy - Click for Hi-Res

I live with my wife and five sons at Lake Boga in the heart of the Murray Darling basin. Most of my adult life I have been dedicated to aiding the community and in particular giving my time to youth affairs and personal development, even before I had children of my own. I'm also very passionate about the future of the agricultural sector especially after my family was given little choice other than to leave the dairy industry over 12 years ago.

My decision to “get political” came in a period I describe as a “perfect storm”. One of my sons has a disability and I was battling the state-based health systems in Victoria and New South Wales to get adequate healthcare and support assistance for him. Around the same period the dairy industry was facing its own battles for survival. Farmers were facing a “green drought” because, whilst there was plenty of water available, farmers couldn't access it. Our water entitlements had been reduced and to buy more we were facing highly inflated water prices, meanwhile, the dairy industry's guaranteed pricing for milk production was being stripped away under deregulation.

The idea of being forced into more debt because of deregulation and water pricing, plus my son’s needs turned me towards politics and that's when I found the CEC. The CEC gave me the knowledge and understanding to realise we have to fight to overturn these government decisions which are literally killing off the rural sector. I believe the government can do the good but that means abandoning their free-market ideology and following what the CEC has outlined for the future development of the country. Speculation, financial gambling like what's happening with water since it was separated from land, must be outlawed.

I firmly believe that the CEC's water and desalination development projects, plus other great infrastructure plans, funded by a government-owned national bank are the only way to revitalise regional Australia and return hope to struggling farmers, small businesses and the youth of this nation.

Back to Federal Election 2019 candidates page

Campaign Coverage

Meet the candidates contesting the 2019 federal election in Mallee

Alexander Darling - April 11 2019 -

Chris Lahy - Citizens' Electoral Council

This is the third consecutive federal election for which Mr Lahy will run as the CEC's candidate in Mallee. He works in a refrigeration business.


Page last updated on 08 May 2019