Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility




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… the other Australian organisation, besides ASIO, that has intentionally poisoned the relationship is the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), which has been funded by the US State Department to do so (as well as by the UK, the Netherlands, Japan, NATO, and the world’s biggest weapons companies). With its US funding, ASPI has pumped out claim after claim against China, including sensational allegations of Uyghur genocide, Chinese infiltration of Australian universities, China as a strategic threat, and Chinese spying on Australia. In his August 2019 visit, ASPI’s benefactor, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, pontificated to Australians: “You can sell your soul for a pile of soybeans or you can …
Foreign Policy
… status.” ‘Alarmist nonsense’ Immediately the lease was announced, warmongering Canberra think tank the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) and other “security-threat obsessives”, as Everingham aptly describes them, began clamouring that having the port “controlled” by a Chinese company posed an unacceptable national security risk. A spate of media reports citing either ASPI commentators or unnamed “national security sources” asserted without evidence that Landbridge was a proxy for the Chinese People’s Liberation … (PLA), and that its owner, Chinese billionaire Ye Cheng, was a “senior Communist Party official” (in fact he is not even a member). In essence, ASPI et al. suggested that the lease arrangement would give Landbridge complete control over access to the port, enable it to spy on Australian and …
… in Canberra. Richard Bardon and Melissa Harrison have written a series of devastating AAS exposés of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), the nominally Australian defence think tank funded by foreign governments, including Mike Pompeo’s US State Department, to pump out a … of most anti-China reporting around the world. Melissa Harrison’s “China narrative” series dug even deeper into the nature of the gang around ASPI, including ASIO and a nest of journalists, academics and politicians, who have led the campaign to align Australia with the most extreme war … certain Australian foreign policy hacks and journalists reacted to China’s Foreign Ministry citing the Citizens Party’s research to hit back at ASPI’s disinformation: “Australian Citizens Party also published an article to criticise this institution for cooperating with the US and …
… 此外,蓬佩奥的国务院向澳大利亚首席中国煽动者和战争宣传者澳大利亚战略政策研究所(ASPI)提供了大量资金。 ASPI 和哈德逊研究所的工作人员合作开展小组讨论和活动,ASPI 工作人员共同撰写了哈德逊研究所的报告。 2023 年 3 月 15 日在国家新闻俱乐部的演讲中,前总理保罗·基廷 (Paul Keating) 将 ASPI 描述为“亲美组织”,声称澳大利亚已与美国接洽以达成 AUKUS 协议,“根据澳大利亚政府向莫里森提出的论点”安全机构……和 ASPI”。 作为总理,莫里森目睹了澳大利亚政府对中国的敌意不断升级,这与美国的外交政策同步。如果 阿尔巴尼斯 …
… Markson’s malarkey began to flow, including from unexpected quarters. Notable among the latter was former Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) researcher turned “independent journalist” Vicky Xu, lead author of the March 2020 ASPI report Uyghurs for Sale , which used fraudulent methods including mistranslation of official documents to portray work placement schemes in … deputy defence secretary who has been Australia’s anti-China warmonger-in-chief since he took up his current sinecure as executive director of ASPI in May 2012. (ASPI is sponsored by various armament manufacturers and the US and allied governments, but most of its funding comes from the …
… most mainstream reporting on alleged Chinese human rights abuses refers to foreign policy think tank the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) as an authority, relying on ASPI’s hawkish analysis and aggressively anti-China reports . MintPress reports ASPI “is headed by ultrahawkish defence official Peter Jennings, who defended the Iraq War, supports regime change in other Middle Eastern states, …
… which incites war against China at the behest of its US government donors, and which in turn drums up Australian government contracts for ASPI’s private weapons manufacturing donors. ASPI is one of the loudest spruikers for the military-industrial complex which foments and profits from evil wars. Morrison’s hostile China policy … it to veto the agreement. In addition, Pompeo’s State Department directed considerable funding to the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), Australia’s chief anti-China agitator and war propagandist. ASPI and Hudson Institute staff have collaborated on panel discussions and …
… and the veracity of its claims of “unprecedented” foreign interference in Australia. China Daily’s footage of Labor Senator Kim Carr attacking ASPI in Parliament, which ASIO used in the media to create an impression of undue Chinese influence. Labor Senator Kim Carr referenced a 14 October … video showed an 11 February 2020 parliamentary speech by Carr, where he denounced the “hawks intent on fighting a new cold war” and criticised ASPI, exposing its US government influence and funding. Under questioning from Carr, Burgess revealed that on the same day the China Daily exposé …
… for, the banks / The foreign agents trying to sabotage Albo’s flight 1. Huge blowback to cashless dystopia 2. A parliamentary investigation of ASPI? 3. He’s back! ScoMo in Thinktankistan Presented by Elisa Barwick and Robert Barwick Video Download (This link will direct you to our VIMEO … 1998 – Exposure draft legislation": Sign the petition calling upon the Senate to investigate ASPI for representing foreign influence in Australia: Email, call, and join delegations to see MPs: Email and call the PM’s office and your local MP’s office in Canberra …
Banking / Finance
Cash Ban
Foreign Policy
… ,澳大利亚只是收到了引渡请求,要么勾选,要么不勾选。 杜根是我们的“危险盟友”——美国和英国——旨在保护英美霸权的大型地缘政治游戏的受害者,而此时,以中国和俄罗斯为首的全球大多数发展中国家正在成功地推动新的发展。公平公正的经济和安全架构。 因此,澳大利亚战略政策研究所(ASPI)披露新消息的时机并不令人意外。由国防承包商和外国政府资助的外国影响力行动声称,中国的“机器人”正在通过支持社交媒体上的亲中国信息(包括 ACP 推文)来放大中国对澳大利亚的干预。令人惊讶的是,ASPI 的文章指出了对 AUKUS 的批评,包括前总理 Paul Keating 的批评,以及普华永道 (p. X) 作为中国干预的例子。政治机构想要压制的任何辩论都在这个保护伞下,这太方便了! (参见第 X 页。) ASPI 还从法律意义上,声称中国的干预是针对四大银行,包括未能提供区域服务!与此同时,地区银行关闭调查迫使银行在数字化进程中大幅退缩,《悉尼先驱晨报》7月7 日指出,CBA 决定在三年内停止计划关闭分行,只是因为“政治审查”。 ASPI 呼吁将澳洲公民党 …