Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility




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… interview with John Adams "The final battle in the great war against ASIC corruption": Watch the ACP video "The Sterling First scam: another example of Australia's widespread financial corruption": Watch the Citizens Insight interview with Beryl Taylor "The fight for justice for Sterling First Victims": Watch the Citizens Insight interview with Peter Johnston "Nobody is safe in the financial …
Energy & Resources
Foreign Policy
Economy / Trade
… especially the Portuguese central bank’s lawless ‘bail-in’ of Novo Banco bondholders. Banks raised over 16.5 billion-equivalent across euros, sterling and U.S. dollars in the first week of 2015, and almost 18 billion-equivalent in 2014. But in 2016’s first week, zero—for the first time since the crash year 2008. The news service quotes the head of one investment fund: “Novo Banco has blown a …
… Party is intervening in the current inquiry to ensure it addresses the need seriously, and recommends a national development bank. ASIC and Sterling First: Our current push for an ASICSterling First inquiry is crucial to expose the financial corruption that blocks the implementation of genuine economic solutions like national banking (p. 3). In this issue: Call Senators to demand inquiry into ASIC and Sterling First Kneecapping ASIC: Frydenberg’s Statement of Expectations Verging on Ponzi: how the banks are rorting the RBA’s big bail-out fund …
Economy / Trade
… also require taking on the banks inside Australia, which the leadership of this government is unwilling to do. The drama being played out on the Sterling First issue graphically illustrates the Morrison government’s obsession with covering up for Money Power corruption. As the AAS reported last week, the government did not hand over the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) review of Sterling as ordered by the Senate. In ASIC’s hearing at Senate Estimates on 28 October, Labor Senator Deb O’Neill denounced the government’s …
Banking / Finance
… Abbott Point near Mackay in Queensland, and Port Hedland in WA. At both ends multiple modular steel plants will combine the minerals into first stage steel, which can be shipped in slabs on customised container ships for further processing in Asia. Condon estimates each end would be able to export 22 million tonnes of first stage steel slabs per annum, and the process will be 20 per cent more efficient than China. The project requires an investment of $70 … “The economic benefit workforce, which is directly related and happens immediately, is 100,000”, Condon explains. “In 10 years, from the first steel, I predict that with the industries that will be world competitive, and the reindustrialisation of Australia, it will be 500,000.” The …
… exposed millions of Australians to predatory banking, ruining countless lives, including those of the victims of the ASIC-approved Ponzi outfit, Sterling First. Delegations of Sterling First victims have caught the attention of politicians in Western Australia, with a number committed to pushing for an inquiry, and even a …
National Banking
… Become a member of the Australian Citizens Party: Watch the special presentation, "Sterling First - The Tip of the Iceberg": Read the media release and call the listed Senators!, "Australian politicians must … Citizens Party's campaigns and contact your Senators!: Visit the Parliament website to view the recent Sterling Income Trust hearings: Part 1: Part 2: …
National Banking
Banking / Finance
… Citizens Party’s appearance at the 1 December Senate hearing into bank closures in regional Australia was truly historic, in multiple ways. First, the ACP has revived Australia’s fight against the Money Power—the private financier oligarchy that seeks to dictate to nations and people. … Christine Holgate as CEO of Australia Post for opposing privatisation and wanting a postal bank; the failure of the regulator ASIC to police the Sterling First scheme; and ASIC’s failures of investigation and enforcement (ongoing). In September 2022, the ACP organised a forum in Parliament House on a …
Banking / Finance
National Banking
Postal Savings Bank
… to borrow money from a Big Four bank in 2004. Until then, Wayne had never borrowed from a bank. In 2004, with the support of the government’s First Home Owner Grant, Wayne borrowed $124,000 from the bank through a local broker to buy a $205,000 property. Then his life changed. In 2005, … Wayne eventually received notification the sheriff was coming to evict him. That eviction notice set in train a rollercoaster of events that at first raised and then dashed Wayne’s hopes, but would eventually, after many years, lead him to force the bank to address his case. Frantic at … and advice—including from Denise Brailey of the Banking and Finance Consumers Support Association, who is now fighting for the victims of the Sterling First scandal— and kept hitting the bank with correspondence and Freedom of Information (FOI) requests, from which he tried to chase down …
Banking / Finance
… to assess complaints, which is biased towards not investigating financial crime. NFA was also the kiss of death for the elderly victims of the Sterling First rent-for-life scheme, now all ruined and facing homelessness since the fraudulent scheme collapsed in 2019: ASIC received consistent … had taken further action, just to investigate even slightly, knowing the scheme was targeting vulnerable elderly people, it could have nipped Sterling in the bud when only a few tenants had paid in a few hundred thousand dollars, instead of waiting until 2019 when more than 100 tenants …