1. Time to bust open the Sterling First coverup!
2. What will we learn from 40 years of Afghanistan fiasco?
Presented by Elisa Barwick and Robert Barwick
Video Download (This link will direct you to our VIMEO channel, where you can click "Download" in the video description. Select the best video file for your needs).
Sign the Citizens Party Petition to create an Australia Post Bank!: https://info.citizensparty.org.au/auspost-bank-petition
Download the Commonwealth Postal Savings Bank Resolution and mobilise local councils and other institutions!: https://citizensparty.org.au/sites/default/files/2021-06/Unite-Australia-in-support-of-the-Commonwealth-Postal-Savings-Bank.pdf
Subscribe to the Australian Alert Service: https://info.citizensparty.org.au/subscribe
-----Campaign Update-----
Make a submission to the Australian Manufacturing Industry Inquiry!: https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate/Economics/REFSManufacturing
-----Topic 1: Time to bust open the Stirling First coverup!-----
Read the article from the Australian Alert Service: "The Aussie battler standing up to a giant bank": https://citizensparty.org.au/aussie-battler-standing-giant-bank
-----Topic 2: What will we learn from 40 years of Afghanistan fiasco?-----
Read the "Special Report on Xinjiang: Anglo-Americans sponsor ‘East Turkistan’ campaigns": https://citizensparty.org.au/special-report-xinjiang-anglo-americans-sponsor-east-turkistan-campaigns