1. Banks herding the vulnerable into danger
2. The sell-out of sovereignty that’s leading to war
Presented by Robert Barwick and Craig Isherwood
Video Download (This link will direct you to our VIMEO channel, where you can click "Download" in the video description. Select the best video file for your needs).
Make a submission to the inquiry on Australian Securities and Investments Commission investigation and enforcement (by February 3): https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate/Economics/ASICinvestigation
MOBILISE AND CONTACT YOUR MEMBERS AND SENATORS!: https://citizensparty.org.au/dec-branch-closures-contact
Watch the Mark Rober scammer video "Glitterbomb Trap Catches Phone Scammer (who gets arrested)": https://youtu.be/VrKW58MS12g?t=413
Support Pearls & Irritations: https://johnmenadue.com/contributions/
Read the Bevan Ramsden Pearls & Irritations article "US-Australia ‘Force Posture Agreement’ undermines sovereignty, must be terminated": https://johnmenadue.com/us-australia-force-posture-agreement-undermines-sovereignty-must-be-terminated/
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Sign the Citizens Party Petition to create an Australia Post Bank!: https://info.citizensparty.org.au/auspost-bank-petition
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