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Lead Editorial

17 July 2024
Vol. 26 No. 29

Donald Trump speaks against NATO’s goals in Ukraine, upsetting a war machine that honours whitewashed Nazi apologists with state funerals.

It’s eerie to think that Australia’s immediate future could have been determined by mere centimetres in Pennsylvania. Not just Australia’s, of course, but if the assassination attempt on Donald Trump had been successful, it is highly likely that Australia’s subservient alliance with the United States would continue on its current trajectory of being drawn into NATO’s expansion in Asia. But now, that prospect is less certain, because of Trump’s attitude to NATO.

There are many questions about the Trump assassination attempt, including regarding the failings of the Secret Service, and the veracity of the typical “lone assassin” narrative. Sixty years after the assassination of JFK, we can have little confidence in the full truth coming out. But what we can assess is the political context of the assassination attempt, and ask the question: Why Trump?

One compelling answer to that question is NATO, because that is the one issue on which Trump is at odds with not just the entire US foreign policy establishment, but with the deepest power structures binding the USA to Britain in an Anglo-American empire in which NATO serves as the military muscle for the City of London and Wall Street’s banks and corporations and their system of globalised corporate looting. It is this economic system—not the US and UK people—that is under threat from the economic rise of China and the BRICS. The Anglo-American elite are driven to expand NATO to threaten Russia, and into the AsiaPacific to threaten China, to provoke wars to preserve this system of economic imperial power.

To see how NATO serves City of London-Wall Street power, note the conditions put on Poland when it joined NATO in 1997 to open its economy to corporate looting, which then-US Senator Joe Biden demanded in a 25 March 1997 speech in Warsaw: “I believe that large, state-owned enterprises should also be placed in the hands of private owners, so they can be operated with economic, rather than political, interests in mind”, Biden said. “Business like banks, the energy sector, the state airline, the state copper producer, and the telecommunications monopoly will have to be privatised.” The same is being done to Ukraine.

NATO’s inaugural Secretary-General, British Lord Hastings Ismay, famously said the purpose of NATO was to “keep the Soviet Union out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.” Despite the calls to disband NATO after the end of the Cold War, from statesmen like Malcolm Fraser (p. 11), NATO has continued to fulfil its Ismay-expressed purpose, not least in the Ukraine war. But now the same Joe Biden is a seriously decrepit President of an America whose people are sick to death of wasting blood and treasure in never-ending wars, and his opponent Donald Trump is threatening to pull the pin on NATO’s all-important proxy war in Ukraine. Don’t think for a second that the British elite establishment which has pinned its imperial designs on leveraging American military power through NATO, and the powerbrokers of the military-industrial complex enjoying an unprecedented windfall from US donations to Ukraine’s war, wouldn’t be prepared to assassinate anyone to keep their power.

A shocking example of how much power the NATO apparatus wields was the state funeral in Melbourne last Friday of a literal Nazi, Stefan Romaniw, attended by prominent Jewish politicians David Southwick and Michael Danby (p. 4), who sat through a eulogy from the leader of Romaniw’s Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists-Bandera (OUN-B), an organisation responsible for massacring thousands of Poles and Jews in WWII. What explains this bizarre spectacle of Australian Jews honouring a Nazi? Australia is under the NATO thumb, perpetuating the lies feeding the Ukraine war—it’s that simple.

The stakes are incredibly high, including for Australia. Whatever happens in the US election, it’s past time for Australia to assert our sovereignty against the NATO war machine and pursue an independent foreign policy in our national interest.

In this issue:

  • Demand Albanese’s government save our post offices!
  • Prominent Jewish politicians honour Nazi apologist in state funeral
  • Israel lobby’s attack on Kostakidis threatens everyone’s right to free speech
  • ASD’s China hacking attribution is just another Five Eyes propaganda stunt
  • NATO summit aims at big war in Europe, expansion vs China
  • Malcolm Fraser in 2012: Australia needs to be independent
  • The fund created to unwind a failing megabank has no money
  • PM: Order nuclear reactors from China!
  • China’s drive for fusion energy in high gear
  • Wall Street backed the plot to kill FDR
  • ALMANAC: A win for the people as Australia’s big banks finally go too far, Part II

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