Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



News Archive


Atrocity Inc.: Israel’s lies to justify genocide exposed

Canberra throws vaccine-injured to the wolves

MAD Bill aims to make war propaganda unchallengeable

September 2023

Veterans suicide royal commission avoids the main question: Why does Australia go to war?

Labor’s reasons for a disinformation law are based on … disinformation!

Aussie regulator junks ‘bail-in’ bonds as strategies fall apart

Five rings and one onion

Not Labor! Albanese outdoes neoliberal scriptwriters

Albanese’s union-busting law is a thinly cloaked power-grab

August 2023

NZ regulator recommends Kiwibank take on Aussie Big 4

Albanese’s gutless gas policy to blame for ‘sticky’ inflation

Messianic fanatics drive Israel to ‘Armageddon’

Compromised Jones absolves banks of scams responsibility

July 2024

UK banks forced to protect customers from scammers! What about Australia?

Sunny Duong jailed for having political connections while Chinese

Financial Market Infrastructure bill: Accessory to bail-in

How neoliberalism sabotaged Australian home ownership

June 2024

Indicting the journalists, raising the citizens: Assange on war lies and cause for optimism

NATO leaders fail to acknowledge nuclear war danger

West a law unto itself: UN rapporteur

May 2024

CSIRO nobbles nuclear (again) to support Labor’s ‘cheap renewables’ fantasy

Nuclear war danger escalates: Kiev, NATO’s catspaw, claims attack on Russian strategic radars

Europe: new moves in war to save cash

Bombshell! NYT exposes Israel’s fostering of deadly Jewish extremism, brutal repression of Palestinians

Government withheld report vindicating David McBride

The bell tolls for US Treasury market

Australian naval ops in Yellow Sea are aimed at China, not North Korea

Thank banks for China’s economic rise

ASIO/AFP clown show foreshadows further crackdown on online privacy

The state bank model for a public housing developer

April 2024

Albanese gov renews push for global internet censorship

UK bank behaviour ‘shameless and shameful’

Five Eyes ropes NZ into Aus-style anti-China insanity 

March 2024

The explosive dossier that exposes the end-times ‘Temple Mount plot’ driving the genocidal war in Israel-Gaza

National Security Committee kerfuffle puts the empire’s insecurity on show

Role reversal at RBA Reforms inquiry: Coalition forced to defend ALP banking legacy

BRICS smooths financial wrinkles with win-win approach

UK, European governments force the hand of regulators   

'Night falls in the evening lands' but new hope rises

Parliament, senior experts rally to defend public power over RBA

February 2024


The three (Labor) stooges behind bail-in

Tax Office’s civil war over PwC puts spotlight on the failure of neoliberalism

End ‘survival of the biggest’ bank scam  

January 2024

All aboard Scott Morrison’s AUKUS gravy-train

Mr Bates vs the Post Office

Stop hedge funds sparking a new global crash

Bust up banking as usual with a public bank

December 2023

McBride prosecution proves Australia is not a democracy

November 2023

Whitlam’s fate sealed by plan to shut down Pine Gap

Upcoming RBA legislation: Don’t hand power to private bankers!

Pine Gap intelligence base makes Australia complicit in Israel’s atrocities

IMF demands austerity, Australia jumps

October 2023

The curse of QE continues

Is Taiwan buying political influence in Australia?

Is Pompeo the Svengali behind Morrison’s Taiwan-AUKUS provocations?

Five Eyes sabotage of Albanese’s China trip

Who is paying for Morrison’s anti-China provocations?

Unfinished US banking crisis portends systemic disruption

September 2023

PwC learnings: Put government back in charge of policy

August 2023

BRICS Eleven forged in Johannesburg

UK passes law to protect cash access

Labor’s ‘renewables are cheapest’ lie exploded

ASPI’s ‘cyber-interference’ allegations: more junk research

ASPI central in global censorship network

Aussie analyst Jaq James nails shut the coffin on ‘Uyghur forced labour’ lie

July 2023

Australia is handing control to an intelligence superstate

Daniel Duggan a scapegoat of Five Eyes anti-China agenda (Part Two)
Five Eyes fingerprints on Duggan’s arrest

Daniel Duggan a scapegoat of Five Eyes anti-China agenda (Part One)
Britain contrives ‘Chinese military recruitment’ allegations

June 2023

Mortgage stress skyrockets, and worse is to come

Attorney-General’s Department drives Australian prisoner’s ‘trial by media’

Is the Attorney-General persecuting an Australian political prisoner under orders from Washington?

Australia’s designation as ‘domestic source’ for US defence industry foreshadows further erosion of sovereignty

Brits push ‘economic NATO’ to isolate China

Why is Nine promoting war with China?

Special AAS feature articles available here.

May 2023

‘Break up Russia’ schemers play with fire

Epicentre of US banking crisis is not regional lenders

Credit Suisse collapse put banking secrecy at risk

Even EU economic forum rejects EU’s cashless society

Morrison, Sinodinos join pigs at the AUKUS trough

First Republic swallowed up by JPM Chase monolith

Libs install foreign agent as Shadow Home Affairs Minister

April 2023

RBA Review: Pre-emptive strike against democratic accountability and economic revival

Australia’s housing crisis worsens—for buyers, renters and landlords alike

ASPI in damage control as its credibility crumbles

A new financial order is forming

The fall of the hedge funds?

March 2023

Life insurance code a cruel scam for vulnerable customers

Four US banks and one Swiss giant—expect more bank runs

Opinion: CBDCs, de-dollarisation and Australia

No help for victims of insurance industry misconduct

Sale regional bank hearing sets the stage for a dramatic inquiry

There’s no commitment to ‘general welfare’ without cash!

Albanese government tortures Australian citizen to please Washington

February 2023

Memo to the PM: Give Lowe a new job!

Who needs enemies? Wong defends USA’s right to get Australia nuked

Hersh unmasks Anglo-American economic warfare, spark for WWIII

The balloon goes up: China panic reaches new heights of stupidity

AUKMIN 2023: Albanese gov endorses Britain’s drive for WWIII

NZ unions demand National Investment Bank

January 2023

NATO-EU merger presages major escalations against Russia, China

Cash is freedom from banking oligopoly control

Canberra casts out its fake ‘Chinese spy’ Wang Liqiang

Exposed: Ukraine slaughtered for ‘NATO mission’ vs Russia

Central banks map horror 2023 for masses

December 2022

China-Saudi agreements a marker of new economic system

Albanese’s AUSMIN 2022 agreement paints fresh nuclear bullseyes on Australia

The unravelling dollar: BIS rings the alarm

Senators slam hypocritical ‘high priests’ at the RBA

November 2022

Europe scrambles to keep cash option

Replacing hegemonic order with multilateral consensus (Step Two)

How to tell a real inquiry from a show-trial: a case study of the ‘Uyghur Tribunal’

RBA take note! O’Malley tells how to regulate credit

Labor’s National Housing Accord is just another neoliberal fraud

B52s, NATO integration: Albanese courts WWIII on two fronts

October 2022

UQ nuclear power report debunks Labor’s naysaying

The Treasury vs the Bank: The post-war fight for credit regulation and industry

More ASPI junk ‘research’ on China’s ‘influence’ in Solomons

Rewriting the rules of international finance, Step One

September 2022

Sixty years after Cuban Missile Crisis, on the brink again

CSIRO’s Bradfield Scheme assessment a neoliberal fail

US agent ‘set the agenda’ for Morrison’s Cabinet of One

The Lowy Institute: an Anglo-American foreign influence conduit

SCO pits ‘Shanghai Spirit’ against geopolitics

Bush Administration’s ‘Asia guru’ admits Australia can scuttle US plans for war with China

OHCHR Xinjiang report: a propaganda set-piece with more holes than substance

The birth of the ‘democracy’ and ‘rule of law’ swindle

Motion for Inquiry into Iron Boomerang passes Senate!

Days are numbered for US dollar order

August 2022

Freedom, and lessons from the French Revolution (31 Aug.)

Jackson Hole conclave: Crushing the real economy since 1978 (31 Aug.)

Preparing for crisis? Morrison’s secret regime

Chinese government White Paper corrects the record on Taiwan

Indonesian government, US experts say AUKUS undermines NPT

What the West fears: Russia and China push sovereign development

Good riddance: Wayne ‘Bail-in’ Byres to retire as APRA chairman

July 2022

Big economic moves at Russia-Iran summit 

How New Zealand pioneered ‘bail-in’

Exposed! Secretive annual talks influence Australian foreign policy

Manchester Arena bombing inquiry spotlights British state sponsorship of terrorism

China and Russia present financial solutions

Biden’s ‘Asia Tsar’ driving Australia to war with China

How ‘Operation China Threat’ demonised the Belt and Road Initiative—a Special Report

June 2022

ASEAN tells Biden: Stop trying to split us!

Bank of North Dakota—a Commie plot?

Barwick & Roberts on TNT Radio discuss The Australian Precedents for a Hamiltonian Credit System

BRICS+ push alternative economic platform

Yet another Darwin Port fault-finding mission

The dire state of local government infrastructure assets

More than a decade of growing support for a postal bank

Leading economist: Say goodbye to era of banker control

May 2022

What would it take for Labor to restore the public service?

Human rights mafia’s ‘junk research’ exposed

Non-Aligned Movement joins call for crisis coordination

Geopolitical strategists fabricated BRI ‘debt-trap diplomacy’ narrative

Stage being set for regime change in Solomon Islands

RBA rate rise can’t arrest rising cost of living

April 2022

Geopolitics: The deadly legacy of Halford Mackinder (AAS 13 and 20 April 2022)

Insurance Code is another regulatory mirage

John Howard’s ideological scam in 1978 that gouges Australian drivers to this day (27 Apr.)

The Petroleum and Minerals Authority: the battle for control over Australia’s ‘great mineral wealth’

Restore ANL to solve the shipping crisis

A breakthrough in the battle over bank policy

March 2022

Will RBNZ heed the people, or boost the bankers?

Cairns: We should have borrowed from RBA not overseas

Local governments struggle to fund essential services

Australia’s battle for natural disaster insurance

Lismore community fights for effective flood management

Fuel price crisis a bipartisan policy failure

Australia’s ‘laughable’ flood prevention is a recurring tragedy

Anti-Russia war propaganda is ‘Made in Britain’

Banks prey on customers through corrupted banking Code

Global showdown with Russia threatens us all

AFCA tips scales for banks against small business

February 2022

Landmines in the graveyard of high finance

Morrison’s McCarthyism even spooks the spooks

The City of London origins of AFCA

Australia goes all-in on the Empire at Melbourne ‘Quad’ meeting

EU sees the light on nuclear energy; Australia still in the dark

The development framework for China’s ‘green’ policies

Senate inquiry slams sabotage of public service

January 2022

RBA review must jettison neoliberal mandates

New Zealand backflips on statutory bail-in

Financial complaints umpire AFCA is part of the problem

A message from Ukraine: Stop using weapons supplies and political blackmail to incite Ukraine to war with Russia!

Put the Governor-General on the ‘foreign influence’ register

A clear and present danger: Peter Dutton and the ‘Strategy of Denial’

Independent legal analyst shreds ASPI’s Uyghur ‘forced labour’ claims

December 2021

Urgent! A development bank to unleash manufacturing

Commonwealth Development Bank inspired ‘bold new schemes’

Australian jurists warn USA against self-destructive geopolitics

Western Australia Spaceport aims to launch Australia back into space

Solomon Islands crisis is largely of Australia’s making

Australia signs up to fraudulent Five Eyes-Magnitsky agenda

Ignored, neglected, penniless, terminally ill: Morrison’s contempt for elderly Sterling victims

November 2021

Why PPPs won’t rebuild economies

Senate inquiry destroys ASIC’s self-defence; documents explode cover-up

Sterling victims in David and Goliath battle

Keating is right on AUKUS and China

Tuvalu’s inconvenient truth must be explained, not denied

Postal ‘people’s bank’ the solution for regional Australia

Bailed in Cypriots told ‘no alternative’ to theft of deposits!

Banks play the blame game 

October 2021

Leaders demand end to speculation driving energy crisis

Ideology no substitute for traditional banking

USPS launches pilot for postal banking, ‘an idea that won’t go away’

COVID ‘lab leak’ boosters grasp at straws

Australia’s financial system was designed for plunder

ASIC overhaul requires paradigm shift

CIA’s secret war plans against WikiLeaks

Sky’s ‘lab leak’ propaganda hits peak stupid

September 2021

World War I: A warning from history (22 Sept. 2021)

China: Australia squandering 40 years of goodwill

AUSMIN/AUKUS make Australia staging point for WWIII

New ASIC Chief is Frydenberg’s white-collar defender

Identify and Disrupt: Australian police-state law #92

The disinformation machine’s ‘cyber security expert’

The disinformation machine’s ‘cyber security expert’ Pt. II

Australia bullies NZ to toe the Five Eyes line

August 2021

The Aussie battler standing up to a giant bank

UK forced to legislate to protect cash access

The plot thickens: ousted ASIC Chair James Shipton got in the way of London’s banks

Parliamentary ‘capital concentration’ inquiry a chance to uproot BlackRock’s green fascism

China and USA concur on industrial development?

Superannuation is a goldmine for global tax-dodgers

Perceptions of China within the US body politic: Facts and Misconceptions

July 2021

Bank regulator shielding Big Four from scrutiny over regional branch closures

Sterling cover-up goes all the way to the top

Arsonist turns firefighter? Ex-ASIO boss warns against exaggerating ‘foreign interference’ threat he once hyped

The rise of the hedge funds

Tenants and landlords of Sterling scandal speak out

National banking solution to carbon blackmail

Crypto blind spots could blow up financial system

COVID-19 a convenient excuse for deregulation free-for-all

June 2021

The post office origins of the Commonwealth Bank

‘Regulator beware’ of the Morrison government

Morrison government overthrows another inconvenience to the banks

COVID lab leak ‘science’ refuted

Sterling scandal caused by regulation designed to fail

ASIC should be liable to Sterling victims for failure to act

How Australia can achieve full employment

Still no evidence for COVID ‘lab leak’ theory

May 2021

Government has important role in insurance

Gupta fiasco shows Greensteel is de-industrialisation by stealth

Assange case shows US and UK hypocrisy

China-haters run for cover as Newscorp ‘virus warfare’ propaganda implodes

No ‘security’ basis to tear up Port of Darwin lease

India ban betrays Australia’s healthcare catastrophe

Australia stuck in US ‘debt trap’

New derivatives disaster must be defused now!

Elder statesmen lash Dutton and Pezzullo’s war talk

Recall the nuclear war warnings of 2012

April 2021

The real America

Australian politicians back East Turkistan terrorism apologists

Five Eyes directs destruction of Australia-China relationship

Nuclear power trumps hydrogen energy carrier

Nationals propose development bank for manufacturing

Greening Earth’s barren lands

Chinese Foreign Ministry calls out West’s ‘human rights’ hypocrisy

March 2021

Special Report on Xinjiang: Anglo-Americans sponsor ‘East Turkistan’ campaigns

The woman who blew up state secrets to stop a war

‘Quad’ spruiks cooperation, but US/NATO militarism is still on autopilot

Financial oligarchy cuts finance for coal

Penny-pinching governments are killing our elderly

Time to force real competition on the Big Four!

Post Bank—the secret to Japan’s economic sovereignty and success

February 2021

Energy policy rebellion goes nuclear

The plague of neoliberalism is killing Australia’s ‘national resilience’

Labor leaders expose ‘renewables’ folly

Ever-changing testimony of Xinjiang ‘witnesses’ points to coaching by US-backed separatist groups

‘Great Reset’: Government of, by and for bankers 

Labor-Liberal super stoush a falling-out among thieves

A ‘bipartisan’ plot to privatise Australia Post?

Stop the rot! Solve Australia’s farm labour crisis

January 2021

Bring on the postal banking revolution!

Preliminary legal analysis of the Maddocks Report

The Nazi roots of the ‘Indo-Pacific strategy’

QAnon: ‘A game that plays people’

Economic recovery requires credit for the real economy!

December 2020

Wilful disregard for truth in Parliament’s ‘Magnitsky Act’ inquiry report

With friends like these… Fake concern for Australia’s winemakers

‘Global Britain’s’ Empire II plan to surround China

The science of carbon dioxide—the gas of life

Australian infrastructure requires expanded steel production

November 2020

Bankers escalate zero-carbon dictatorship

How the CEC disrupted the global bail-in regime

Xinjiang: China’s western frontier in the heart of Eurasia

‘Foreign Relations’ Bill: Gutless federal ALP hangs states, manufacturers out to dry

Trading with the enemy?

NZ anti-China fearmonger in hot water over ‘inaccurate, inflammatory’ report

BRICS helps forge new paradigm for world in crisis

Learn from New Zealand and Japan on postal banking

October 2020

Human rights cartel dominates fixed Magnitsky inquiry

Outsourcing government is a corporate takeover

ASIO: Australia’s foreign influence peddlers

The bloody hand of Tony Blair behind UQ China scandal

March meltdown dwarfed September precursor!

Infrastructure all talk without a national development bank

Massive agricultural potential in northern Australia

ASPI: forced labour hypocrites and academic fraudsters

Melbourne's drawn-out lockdown is a multi-decade policy failure

When fascists cried ‘freedom’ to protect the banks

Falun Gong fronts Anglo-American strategy against China

Central Bank Digital Currency plan exposes new bailout strategy

September 2020

State premiers should unleash the power of state banking!

High-speed rail will boost economy

Clive Hamilton’s anti-China claims riddled with deceit

Nuclear technology beats Morrison’s hodgepodge plan

The China narrative, part five: All roads lead to ASIO

Build Bass Strait water pipelines

China narrative part four: ASIO’s disinformation campaign

Who’s buying Australia? Oh, Canada!

China narrative part three: Espionage and interference

Clarence River water projects urgent

Australia is not a corporation, it’s a corporate state

Australian MPs push CANZUK British Empire reboot

The China narrative part two: Dissidents or separatists?

August 2020

Who made China and Russia the enemy, and why?

Morrison government’s ‘national security’ hypocrisy exposed

‘The Great Debate on China’—Babones vs himself

Water ownership more secret than tax havens

The China narrative, part one: War-machine propaganda

Path for nuclear power in Australia

India’s ‘Plan B’ for bail-in

July 2020

Palace Letters expose House of Windsor

Fight Australia’s descent into a police state!

Australia sabotaged China trade based on US media lies

Environmentalist apologises for climate alarmism

Hong Kong security law less draconian than Australia’s

FSB bail-in review: Mind the gap

Morrison’s indefensible Defence plan re-commits to Cold War with China

Magnitsky sanctions shadowed by war profiteers

China is far from the biggest foreign landowner in Australia

Final demolition of Volcker Rule lights up derivatives risk

June 2020

To end the arms race, reject ‘enemy image’

Genuine infrastructure program needed

‘Keep the change’: Resist the banks’ cashless scam

A tale of two think tanks: Canberra escalates McCarthyism, de-funds diplomacy

Morrison’s infrastructure plan woefully inadequate

Don’t get burnt by the demise of the debt machine

Regime change abroad, social breakdown at home

Swedes on negative rate experiment: ‘don’t do it’

May 2020

The UK’s ‘Prevent’ program: Creating a fascist police-state

What constitutes foreign interference?

Dutton moves to expand police state under cover of COVID-19

CCP scheme can crash the entire banking system

Victoria's BRI strategy grows economic cooperation and independence

COVID-19 ramps up corporatised ‘Western’ censorship agenda

Think big! Australia’s $300 billion infrastructure project

Australian media’s anti-China spin turns reality upside down

As usual, British neocons stoke US-China conflict

April 2020

Loony Epoch Times fronts dangerous anti-China war agenda

We need writers, artists and musicians to get through this crisis

COVID recovery team must turn words into reality, fast

Re-nationalise public utilities now!

How safe are Australia’s banks, really?

Reality check: China does not own most of Australia

COVID-19 exposes flawed modelling

March 2020

Ethiopian Prime Minister: 'If COVID-19 is not beaten in Africa, it will return to haunt us all'

How Essington Lewis pulled off an industrial miracle

Global health shock can force economic shift, but at what cost?

Indian retirees whacked by contractual bail-in

Stop bankers’ net-zero emissions death policy

February 2020

When is a bail-in still a bailout?

Magnitsky Act is dangerous sanctimony based on lies

Sinn Féin win shows economic discontent in Ireland

Depositors in Lebanon rebel, demand banks be held to account

How and why prescribed burning mitigates bushfire losses

Irrigation reduces extreme heat

Europe proves why negative rates and bail-in necessitate cash bans

Behind the headlines: IPCC can’t detect climate change in Australian bushfires

January 2020

Why is the Uniting Church ‘surprised’ Australians don’t want to go to jail just for using cash?

The New Payments Platform: a Trojan horse for central bank control of Australia’s financial system?

Failed fire management policy must end

December 2019

Will US Fed succeed in forestalling year-end financial crunch?

Australia fails the whistleblower test

CoreLogic scandal: how far gone are Australia’s banks?

Julian Assange should be protected from US ‘Rocket Docket’

CoreLogic scandal: how far gone are Australia’s banks?

November 2019

Water trading bankers destroy agriculture

More Repo ructions: The Fed reinvents bailouts

It’s all or nothing for big banks in new speculative frenzy

Abbott’s ‘foreign interference’ fiasco a chilling message

Drought crisis forces political change

Support escalates for Bradfield Scheme

Is climate change driving escalating bushfire threat?

Is Fed’s super-QE directed by JPMorgan?

October 2019

Financial outlook ‘precarious’: IMF

ANZ changes to deposit T&Cs would facilitate ‘bail-in’

Mr Morrison: Is it ‘in our interests’ to bow to BIS dictates?

Is the Fed concealing a new global crisis?

China unveils new high-speed maglev technology

Which is the real black economy?

September 2019

Pre-tremors of the next global banking meltdown?

More farce of fake regulation

Beware Dutton’s new Cyber Security Strategy

Gladys Liu controversy a symptom of foreign influence— but not China’s

Engineering experts expose 9/11 lies

Negative interest rates bad for savers, economy and banks!

Australia doesn't have a serious black economy

Hong Kong radicals seek ‘Maidan’-style regime change

Cash ban and the black economy myth

Amazon smoke and mirrors

Home Affairs to revive ‘D-Notice Committee’ for press self-censorship

August 2019

Blackrock's monetary 'regime change' is fascism

Project Democracy coup machine drives Hong Kong ‘protests’

Will Australian get serious about nuclear power?

The City of London’s new green bubble

Beware bankers’ Extinction Rebellion

‘Currency manipulation’ furphy a distraction from real crisis

Be afraid of British maniacs behind Andrew Hastie, not China

Apollo astronaut: use Moon’s valuable resources

Central banks are buying up the world!

July 2019

Fixing the economy requires a banking sea-change

Muslim countries reject claims of ‘cultural genocide’ against Xinjiang Uighurs

No hiding Deutsche's derivatives time-bomb

Demystifying economic relations with China

Resolving the RBA dilemma: Save the economy not banks!

G20 ignores blaring financial alarms

Aus-British ‘China Tribunal’ revives organ harvesting smear

The Black Economy Taskforce: Dracula in charge of the blood bank, forcing everyone to give blood!

June 2019

Dangerous derivatives—why are Australia's banks hiding their gambling?

Quiet panic behind drive for Aussie QE

How the USA blew up China trade talks

Italy pushes surprise flank to bypass EU debt trap

Dr Wilson Sy - The Economy of the Lucky Country Part 1: How Lucky is the Country?

The Five Eyes’ war on truth

Brits inflict 'psychological torture' on Julian Assange

Red flags raised at London Bridge inquest: Was terrorist ringleader an agent of MI5?

Cluster bomb set to go off in US markets

Mass extinction threat a hoax

May 2019

The Deutsche Bank alarm sounds again

Trump wants Australian and UK intelligence investigated for Downer's role in Russiagate hoax

Irish observers see ‘uncanny’ similarities in Australia, predict systemic crisis

The eugenics origins of climate alarmism

More refutations of ‘China debt-trap’ allegations

Veterans sold short in election

Americans push for a return to public banking

WA housing bubble nightmare deepens, soon to spread nationwide

Fact check of Bradfield Scheme flawed

Demand for Orwellian ‘anti-corruption’ thought police

Breathtaking plans to rebuild the world emerge from Beijing

Ukraine election: stepping away from disaster

April 2019

Will Australia ride money helicopter to hyperinflation?

US experts respond to Australian Senate banking inquiry

Why S&P is covering up ‘bail-in’

Legal opinion: Australian deposits can be ‘bailed in’

March 2019

SOS on corporate debt blowout

Christchurch massacre royal commission must investigate the ‘Five Eyes’

Italy demands EU abolish 'bail-in' rules

North Queensland water development potential: An engineering surveyor's first-hand account

Not China's debt trap

City of London's Financial Times Beside Itself over Italy's Joining Belt and Road

'CLO Debate' Reflects Connection of Economic Downturn and Crash

February 2019

Property bubble bust gathers speed

Veteran pensions ripped off by government

'Climate action' is brutal austerity

Why the war on Huawei?

Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.: 1922-2019, A Talent Well Spent

Pauline Hanson: 'Overcome the systemic failure in our banking system'

Polarised response to Hayne report shows bank separation is paramount

Fake electricity

Australia ups ante on Five Eyes campaign vs. China

President Trump Announces Second Summit with Kim, Seeks Peace in Southwest Asia, Too

Sen. Rand Paul Rips Into 'War Caucus' That's Attacking President Trump for Ending Permanent War

Rise of populism upsets Davos

Ukrainian economist Vitrenko fights for the right to run for President

January 2019

China's Foreign Ministry Spokesman Tells Dan Coats To Give Up the Zero-Sum Game

First 'Integrity Initiative' Event in U.S. Points to Cyber War

The real battle of Brexit—protecting the banks from a Corbyn prime ministership

Housing approval collapse shows the game is up

China's Little Biosphere Grows the First Plant on the Moon

First 'Integrity Initiative' Event in U.S. Points to Cyber War

Christmas crunch portends 2019 financial disaster

City of London Is Imploding as a Financial Center as Brexit Looms

Chinese Rover Yutu-2 Prepares for the Lunar Day and Night on the Far Side

U.S. Withdrawal Will Help Resolve 'Idlib Knot', Says Former British Ambassador to Syria

U.S. Elite Must Give Up Geopolitical Delusions on Russia, Urges Lavrov

Frequently Asked Questions on the National Infrastructure Bank

APRA law is bail-in! Amend it to exclude deposits, now!

‘Black-is-White’ Paper singles out Russia, China as threats to ‘global order’” (AAS, 30 Mar. 2016)

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Page last updated on 18 October 2024