Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility




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ASPI’s ‘cyber-interference’ allegations: more junk research … ASPI’s ‘cyber-interference’ allegations: more junk research Canberra’s chief warmonger, the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), is hell-bent on driving Australia into conflict with our largest trading partner, China. For several years ASPI has repeatedly accused the …
ASPI central in global censorship network … ASPI central in global censorship network An Australian defence think tank which takes money from foreign governments is driving the push to censor supposed “foreign influence” operations on social media in Australia. The Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), which is funded by the US State Department, the British, Dutch and Japanese governments, and is heavily sponsored by multinational weapons …
Australian Alert Service article
… Independent legal analyst shreds ASPI’s Uyghur ‘forced labour’ claims … Independent legal analyst shreds ASPI’s Uyghur ‘forced labour’ claims Ever since its publication in February 2020, the Australian Strategic Policy Institute’s (ASPI) report Uyghurs for Sale: ‘Re-education’, forced labour and surveillance beyond Xinjiang has been hugely influential in propagating the notion …
ASPI: forced labour hypocrites and academic fraudsters … ASPI: forced labour hypocrites and academic fraudsters The Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) published its dramatic allegations of Uyghur Muslim forced labour in a much-lauded 1 March 2020 report, Uyghurs for Sale . The report alleged …
… More ASPI junk ‘research’ on China’s ‘influence’ in Solomons … More ASPI junk ‘research’ on China’s ‘influence’ in Solomons The propaganda drumbeat against Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare goes on, … security matters, has been removed. Meanwhile the US State Department had commissioned its agents at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) to produce a report 1 which claims that China, with the collusion of the Solomon Islands government, is taking over the country’s public …
ASPI in damage control as its credibility crumbles … ASPI in damage control as its credibility crumbles One could almost—almost—feel sorry for Justin Bassi, the new executive director of the … the job in April 2022, having been hand-picked by the then-Morrison Liberal government from amongst its own senior staff the previous December, ASPI had for the past decade been Australia’s premier purveyor of anti-China war propaganda. Almost uniformly, mainstream media and politicians …
ASPI是全球审查网络的中心 … ASPI是全球审查网络的中心 Melissa Harrison 一家从外国政府获取资金的澳大利亚国防智库ASPI正在推动审查澳大利亚社交媒体上所谓的“外国影响力”操作。由美国国务院、英国、荷兰和日本政府资助,并得到跨国武器制造商大力赞助的澳大利亚战略政策研究所(ASPI)正在抹黑澳大利亚公民党(ACP)及其针对澳大利亚的高效运动。银行分行关闭,作为“中国秘密影响行动”的例子,应该在社交媒体上进行审查。 ASPI 对 ACP 的攻击恰逢澳大利亚政府发布新立法,以审查社交媒体上所谓的“有害”“错误信息”和“虚假信息”,包括被视为外国干涉的信息。具有讽刺意味但公然的事实是,ASPI 是澳大利亚主要的外国干涉行动,代表其外国资助者操纵澳大利亚的国防和外交政策,并且是美国情报主导的全球网络中的关键参与者,该网络对澳大利亚进行大规模审查行动。推进英美战略目标。 ASPI 一再声称,外国政府(无一例外都是英美地缘政治议程的目标)针对西方民主国家发起了“网络外国干涉”行动。但 ASPI 的“网络影响”研究由美国政府、北约、美国“大型科技”公司以及美国/英国政府资助的战争与和平报告研究所 (IWPR) 等组织资助。 IWPR 还从国家民主基金会 (NED) …
ASPI propagandists’ rank hypocrisy exposed! … 12 October 2020 - Citizens Party Media Release The nominally “Australian” think tank behind the … labour. This is according to an explosive report today by Marcus Reubenstein in , Michael West Media and Pearls and Irritations , “ASPI’s forced labour links”. The Citizens Party has exposed the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) as a foreign interference operation in Australia, funded by the US State Department and other foreign governments, NATO, and multinational …