Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility




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… The Sterling First scam: another example of Australia's widespread financial corruption … The Sterling First scam: another example of Australia's widespread financial corruption Cleaning out financial corruption in Australia begins with breaking the …
Australia Post
Banking / Finance
National Banking
Royal Commission
Financial Crisis
… Time to bust open the Sterling First coverup! / What will we learn from 40 years of Afghanistan fiasco? … Time to bust open the Sterling First coverup! / What will we learn from 40 years of Afghanistan fiasco? 1. Time to bust open the Sterling First coverup! 2. What will we …
National Banking
Banking / Finance
Royal Commission
… Financial victims unite! No compensation for Sterling victims means they won't compensate anyone … Financial victims unite! No compensation for Sterling victims means they won't compensate anyone This is a message to the hundreds of thousands of financial victims across Australia: Get behind the frail, elderly, vulnerable, dying victims of the Sterling First collapse - because if the government won't compensate them, it won't compensate anybody. Video Download (This link will direct you to our …
Banking / Finance
Royal Commission
… in The Conversation on 27 August 2021, Frydenberg’s direction ended any intention of ASIC to follow Commissioner Hayne’s recommendation that its first question in regard to financial crime should be “why not litigate”? Schmulow observed: “Rather than ‘why not litigate’, it reads as ‘why not … Australian public is fully supportive of their community licensed post offices, and expects the new government to act on these recommendations. Sterling First and financial victims The Senate Economics Committee’s inquiry into Sterling Income Trust rejected ASIC chairman Joe Longo’s excuses, and expressed “serious concerns about the performance of ASIC”, “including its …
Australia Post
Royal Commission
… for victims of predatory financial schemes and negligent regulation, most recently the victims of the collapse of rent-for-life scheme Sterling First. She is on the warpath against ASIC, which allowed the company to change its name after a first round of scandals and continue trading under a new name and lure in new victims. As with the banking scandals, ASIC’s failings make a joke of …
Royal Commission
Banking / Finance