Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility




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… ACP 的访问恰逢议会对声名狼藉的监管机构 ASIC 进行烟花表演,ASIC 派出代表与政界人士交谈,驳斥参议员布拉格的 ASIC 调查和独立经济学家约翰·亚当斯 (John Adams),后者对 ASIC 调查投诉的可悲记录的报告引发了调查。 ACP 在 2021-22 年为 Sterling First 受害者开展活动,帮助将注意力转向 ASIC ,并帮助推动了当前的调查。出乎意料的是,布拉格参议员尽管是来自金融界的自由党人士,但由于 ASIC 阻挠他的调查而变得更强硬。在《澳大利亚人报》 8 月 7 日的一篇文章“秘密的 ASIC 必须承担责任”中,布拉格指责 ASIC …
… cent of all financial victims—in the Compensation Scheme of Last Resort (CSLR), which he made in person to a meeting of the elderly victims of Sterling First, who face eviction and homelessness. The CSLR is to be industry-funded, i.e. by the big banks and insurance companies etc.; given that …
Banking / Finance
Financial Crisis
National Banking
… ACP 法案,旨在建立格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案,将吸收存款的银行与金融投机分开;莫里森法案禁止现金交易超过 10,000 澳元;克里斯蒂娜·霍尔盖特 (Christine Holgate) 因反对私有化并希望建立邮政银行而被免去澳大利亚邮政首席执行官的职务;监管机构 ASIC 未能监管 Sterling First 投资计划; ASIC 的调查和执法失败(正在进行中)。 2022 年 9 月,ACP 在议会大厦组织了一场关于公共邮政银行的论坛。虽然 ACP 后多种场合都在这些问题上进行了公开而有力的竞选活动,但当涉及到政客和其他政党之间在议会中进行的实质交易时,ACP …
… how to contain the threat. See the back page for an insight into how it was done. In this issue: End fake regulation! Demand inquiry into Sterling First and ASI Sterling cover-up goes all the way to the top KPMG’s dubious track record Arsonist turns firefighter? Ex-ASIO boss warns against exaggerating …
Banking / Finance
… and over 16 million views on his YouTube channel, of the interview he conducted with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Those who watched Putin’s first interview with Western media since Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine began two years ago, all received a radically different … neoliberalism What our media isn’t reporting about the ‘Australian writer’ sentenced in China Explosive! Has WA’s minister for commerce lied to Sterling First tenants? China’s new crackdown on financial speculation The larger agenda of RBA independence: Propping up a failing global financial system …
Banking / Finance