Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



Uniparty Establishment hangs on by its fingernails

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Lead Editorial

10 July 2024
Vol. 26 No. 28

Fatima Payman
Fatima Payman (front right) receiving a hero’s welcome when she returned to Perth after quitting Labor is just one sign of the “uniparty” losing its grip on sections of the electorate over economic and foreign policy. Photo: Screenshot

Last week, Australian Citizens Party (ACP) representatives teamed up with the leaders of the Licensed Post Office Group (LPOG) to meet politicians in Canberra to discuss the recent Senate recommendation boosting a public post bank. Senator Gerard Rennick, who served on the inquiry and gave the strongest support for a bank, had one last chance at the end of the week, at the Queensland LNP’s state conference, to save his spot on the party’s Senate ticket. One of his colleagues and supporters told ACP he intended to argue to the LNP leadership that they wouldn’t win the Senate without Rennick on the ticket, as he is the single most popular Senator in Australia, with a huge social media following and who draws bigger crowds than the party leader. Despite that argument, Rennick lost. What the Rennick episode demonstrates is that while the LNP would like to beat the ALP in elections, the financial Establishment the LNP serves would far prefer getting someone like Rennick out of Parliament, because his ideas are a threat to them. For those interests, it doesn’t matter if the LNP don’t win, because the ALP serves them too. This is the “uniparty”—the two major parties being different in some ways, but operating as one on the fundamental issues that determine how power is really wielded in Australia, particularly on ensuring the financial system enshrines the power of the banks and foreign policy enshrines ongoing Anglo-American control of our country.

The problem for the financial Establishment is when people use a word like “uniparty” it means that they see through the two-party system game. This is showing up in the voting patterns in pretty much all Western nations, including Australia, where the non-major party vote is at record levels. The UK’s first-past-the-post system helps to disguise it, but it’s just as dramatic there. New PM Keir Starmer may have won a monster majority, but that was from the votes of just 20 per cent of eligible voters, and 33.7 per cent of actual voters—literally the party’s worst ever percentage result! London’s Telegraph reported Starmer won 412 seats from just 9,698,409 votes, more than 3 million fewer votes than Jeremy Corbyn received in 2017 to win only 262 seats. Only the quirks of first-past-the-post allows UK Labour, which purged Corbyn to show the British Establishment it was “safe” again for them, to feign triumph. The reality is, the UK’s uniparty is clinging on for dear life.

Another manifestation of this in Australia is Senator Fatima Payman quitting the ALP. Here we see the true face of the machinery of the uniparty in action. While plenty of people in Labor are sincere, by and large the ALP pioneered the embrace of “multiculturalism” to exploit ethnic communities for numbers to stack branches and for votes. Fatima Payman’s spot on Labor’s WA Senate ticket helped the party get Muslim votes; but once in Parliament the Party had no interest in her perspective as a Muslim woman. Not that Gaza is a Muslim issue; as Senator Payman herself is at pains to explain, it’s a moral issue. But when Muslims see innocent women and children who look like them being slaughtered in Gaza, they see it differently to their colleagues who say it’s “Israel’s right to defend itself”. They see an extraordinary power imbalance between people who view the world through US, UK, and Israeli eyes, versus the people who come from countries that have been the victims of the USA, UK, Israel, and Australia, and that Australia isn’t independent on foreign policy. Instead of taking their different perspectives into account, Labor’s treatment of Payman is driving Middle Eastern and Muslim voters away from both major parties.

This could be fatal for a uniparty that is already at record lows in its primary vote. But the potential change it signals is good for the Australian people.

In this issue:

  • Save our post offices—sign the petition!
  • Finally! Senate inquiry calls for abolition of corrupt, useless corporate cop ASIC
  • Sen. Bragg: ASIC ‘has one job’, but does not deliver
  • Financial Market Infrastructure bill: Accessory to bail-in
  • Eurasia embraces integrated model for development and peace
  • Xi Jinping on the ‘Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence’
  • Why are the government, media, and community groups ignoring the objections of Ukrainian Australians to a state funeral for an apologist of a Nazi collaborator?
  • Hue and cry over banks abandoning regional Australia
  • In Memoriam: ACP stalwarts Allan Dilley and Oliver Carter
  • Nation building with the concept of ‘patient capital’
  • ALMANAC: A win for the people as Australia’s big banks finally go too far, Part I

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Foreign Policy
Economy / Trade
Page last updated on 10 July 2024