Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility




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… Huge blowback to cashless dystopia / A parliamentary investigation of ASPI? / He’s back! ScoMo in Thinktankistan … Huge blowback to cashless dystopia / A parliamentary investigation of ASPI? / He’s back! ScoMo in Thinktankistan 1. Huge blowback to cashless dystopia 2. A parliamentary investigation of ASPI? 3. He’s back! ScoMo in Thinktankistan Presented by Elisa Barwick and Robert Barwick Video Download (This link will direct you to our VIMEO …
Foreign Policy
Cash Ban
Banking / Finance
Banking / Finance
ASPI,七号台“独家”节目和智库的肉汁列车 … ASPI,七号台“独家”节目和智库的肉汁列车 Michael West 当彼得·达顿、联盟媒体和安全机构加大力度审查互联网时,迈克尔·韦斯特检查了反华智库澳大利亚战略政策研究所。 4 月 24 日——ASPI 自称是“澳大利亚顶级安全研究机构”,自 10 月 7 日哈马斯袭击以来,ASPI 勉强完成了一份关于加沙的报告,同时完成了 50 份关于中国的报告。仅从这一指标来看,ASPI 成立的 理由一目了然 ,但这并没有阻止该智库自诩为 “ 澳大利亚顶级安全研究机构。” 澳大利亚战略政策研究所新任所长贾斯汀巴希(Justin Bassi)去年取代彼得·詹宁斯(Peter …
… 正在急剧收缩中的ASPI … 正在急剧收缩中的ASPI Ainslie Barton 他们说模仿是最真诚的奉承形式,但 ASPI 的“中国式”宣传模式已经走到尽头了吗? 上周,ASPI 的亲美执行董事贾斯汀·巴希 (Justin Bassi) 出现在现场,他喜欢佩戴 CIA 袖扣,这是他一年前掌舵以来的第一次大型活动。 Bassi 比他的前任 Peter Jennings(詹宁斯) 更年轻,而且(有些人可能会争辩说)更加潇洒,Bassi 是给 ASPI
… the Western propaganda machine because earlier this year, she exposed the work of the taxpayer-funded Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI). It should be a political scandal that ASPI is also funded by foreign governments, most significantly the US State Department, and the world’s biggest weapons manufacturers, to use its … corporation to make wild claims against China that are reported worldwide as if they are fact. In a 2020 report called “Uyghurs for Sale”, ASPI claimed China was using its Uyghur Muslim minority in Xinjiang for “forced labour”. Ms James, who has degrees in law and public policy, …
… 澳洲战略政策研究院(ASPI)在其信誉崩溃时正进行着危机损管 … 澳洲战略政策研究院(ASPI)在其信誉崩溃时正进行着危机损管 理查德·巴登 人们几乎——几乎——为澳大利亚战略政策研究所的新任执行主任贾斯汀·巴希感到难过。当他于 2022 年 4 月上任时,他是去年 12 月由当时的莫里森自由党政府从自己的高级职员中挑选出来的,ASPI 在过去十年中一直是澳大利亚反华战争宣传的主要传播者。几乎一致的是,来自不同政治派别的主流媒体和政客都将其每一个断言(无论多么荒谬)都视为福音。一年后,ASPI 被一些曾经高举它的媒体嘲笑;受到有影响力的工党元老的攻击;最近,在引发澳人的嘲笑而不是对中共的激怒之后,其分析师被迫谴责ASPI所用来煽动反中情绪的主要来源那些典型的毫无根据的宣传文章,为“虚假陈述”。 就像他的前任,前国防官员,总理顾问和顽固的伊拉克战争罪犯彼得詹宁斯一样, …
… branch closures in regional Australia as a “covert influence operation” of the Chinese government. The Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) is funded by the US State Department and the world’s biggest arms manufacturers to promote the China “threat” narrative in Australia, which … to fall into line with Washington’s plans for war against China and ramp up military spending that is massively profiting those same companies. ASPI’s work created the justification for the AUKUS alliance against Australia’s biggest trading partner, and Australia signing up to spend $368 billion on US and British nuclear submarines. In its typical style of inciting 1950s-style McCarthyite paranoia, a 24 July 2023 article in ASPI’s publication The Strategist by Albert Zhang and Danielle Cave has included the campaign to stop Australia’s Big Four banks from closing …
Foreign Policy
Police state
… The Australian Citizens Party has launched a video and petition calling for a Senate inquiry into the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) for foreign interference. The ACP’s video charges: “A sinister, well-funded institute is warping Australian public opinion for the benefit of … “ Stop foreign influence: Investigate the Australian Strategic Policy Institute ”, is available to watch on YouTube. The ACP has combatted ASPI’s disinformation and lies since at least 2014, when ASPI’s then-director Peter Jennings ramped up an information warfare campaign against Australia’s developing relationship with China, our biggest …
Foreign Policy
… 澳大利亚公民党ACP呼吁参议院对美国资助的堪培拉智库以推动对华战争而进行调查 … 澳大利亚公民党ACP呼吁参议院对美国资助的堪培拉智库以推动对华战争而进行调查 10 月 4 日——澳大利亚公民党 (ACP) 发布了一段视频和请愿书,呼吁参议院对澳大利亚战略政策研究所 (ASPI) 的外国干涉进行调查。 ACP 的视频指控:“一个险恶、资金充足的机构正在为了外国军国主义主子的利益而扭曲澳大利亚公众舆论。” 视频“ 阻止外国影响:调查澳大利亚战略政策研究所 至少从 2014 年起,ACP 就一直在打击 ASPI 的虚假信息和谎言,当时 ASPI 时任主任彼得·詹宁斯 (Peter Jennings) 针对澳大利亚与我们最大贸易伙伴中国发展的关系加大了信息战力度。 …
ASPI要求澳大利亚国防军制作官方战争宣传品,推销英国式殖民化 … ASPI要求澳大利亚国防军制作官方战争宣传品,推销英国式殖民化 Richard Bardon 3 月 19 日——关于澳大利亚战略政策研究所(ASPI)的澳大利亚内容已经不多了。如今,它甚至懒得去隐藏这个事实。自 2018 年以来,根据 ASPI 鼓动通过的“外国干涉”法,它已被注册为美国影响力代理人,受美国政府委托并付费制作反华宣传。该公司过去两年的执行董事贾斯汀·巴西 (Justin Bassi) 是一位亲美人士,前网络间谍,酷爱以中央情报局 (CIA) 为主题的正装, [1] 并于 2022 年 7 …