Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility




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… Council on Foreign Relations, which recently pushed for a New Cold War with Russia . The influence of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) is obvious: a number of Hamilton’s points are essentially lifted from old ASPI articles. The acknowledgments for his book are a laundry list of ASPI “ghostwriters”, who are referenced by name but with no hint they work for ASPI, the institution driving most of the anti-China narrative in …
… is fully committed to a needless Cold War against China. Cheerleading for conflict, as always, is the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), the supposedly independent think tank that speaks for the Anglo-American dominated “Western” military-industrial complex and intelligence … Australian economy made over-reliant on China by decades of Canberra’s own disastrous policies. Alex Joske (left) admits the idea for his latest ASPI report, which deliberately twists Chinese diplomacy as infiltration, came from “former” CIA officer Peter Mattis (right). Photos: Twitter, Hertog Foundation ASPI calls itself “an independent, non-partisan think tank”, but it is nothing of the sort. Established in 2001 by the Howard government, ASPI is …
Foreign Policy
… 3680 亿美元(国防采购井喷的历史表明,在此期间很容易翻一番)。并且已经有一群潜在的战争奸商在排队等待他们的战利品份额。 为利益和乐趣而战 最明目张胆的是彼得詹宁斯,他在 2012-22 年担任澳大利亚半官方的战争贩子头子,担任国防部资助的堪培拉智库澳大利亚战略政策研究所 (ASPI) 的执行董事。作为一名前高级国防官员和自由党政府职员,詹宁斯自 1990 年代以来一直是前工党总理保罗基廷最近称之为“澳美”机构的固定成员,包括在 2009-12 年担任国防部战略副部长;并在 2002-03 年担任自由党总理约翰霍华德的战略政策高级顾问,他是新保守主义阴谋集团的一员,该阴谋集团确保澳大利亚参与以美国为首的对伊拉克的犯罪入侵。 霍华德政府于 2001 年成立了 ASPI,表面上是一个“独立、无党派”的智库,对国防和外交政策提供公正和建设性的批评。然而,在詹宁斯的领导下,它很快就变成了越来越极端(和滑稽)的反华战争宣传的一个渠道,其中大部分是受托于美国国务院和国防部,其他美国盟国政府,以及北大西洋公约组织 … (NATO)。该组织多年来一直寻求在全球发挥作用,充当所谓“基于规则的秩序”的军事执行者。与其首任主任不同,国防战略家转变为学者(现在是坚定的 AUKUS 批评者)休怀特,在詹宁斯 ASPI 的领导下,也开始接受国际武器卡特尔的美国和欧洲成员的大笔捐赠,通常被称为“军工联合体”,因为以及美国科技公司,这些公司也是国防承包商和/或在将中国竞争对手挤出西方市场方面拥有既得利益。 詹宁斯作为 ASPI 主任的任期于 2022 年 4 …
… rigour. 1 In a previous paper published this January, Ms James had comprehensively debunked the Australian Strategic Policy Institute’s (ASPI) influential February 2020 report Uyghurs for Sale . 2 Media, governments and human rights NGOs around the world had for two years … used as forced labour in factories around the country. Ms James’s painstaking legal analysis, however, demonstrated unequivocally that none of ASPI’s evidence of human rights violations stood up to proper scrutiny. As the Australian Alert Service noted at the time, Jaq James is eminently … there for several years, including as a university lecturer. As Ms James explains in the executive summary of her second paper, despite the ASPI report’s obvious shortcomings, Sen. Patrick made it the “central reference point” of his rationale for a private member’s bill he introduced …
… outlets connected to US and UK foreign interference operations in Australia. Most notable of these is the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), supposedly an Australian Defence Department think tank, but which also takes money from the US State Department and the UK, Dutch and … diplomacy every country engages in), and China is “genociding” Uyghur Muslims (although their population and living standards have risen), ASPI’s former longtime boss Peter Jennings would regularly warn of war with China within “months”. The ACP exposed that ASPI was being paid to propagandise Australians, to force us into line with the sudden anti-China shift in the USA, which started during the Obama …
… (ACP) 一直是澳大利亚唯一一个反对虚假反华言论的注册政党,这些言论损害了澳大利亚与其最大贸易伙伴的关系。 ACP 一再揭穿这些说法,表明那些是来自与美国和英国在澳大利亚的外国干涉行动有关的某些政客和媒体的大规模杀伤性武器同类型的谎言。 其中最著名的是澳大利亚战略政策研究所 (ASPI),据称是澳大利亚国防部的智囊团,但它也从美国国务院和英国、荷兰和日本政府以及一些世界上最大的武器制造商那里获得资金,制造反华谎言。 谎称中国破解了 2016 年的人口普查(没有,这是硬件问题),中国在澳大利亚进行间谍活动和干涉(故意扭曲每个国家从事的“软”外交),中国正在“种族灭绝”维吾尔人穆斯林(尽管他们的人口和生活水平有所提高),ASPI 的前任长期老板彼得詹宁斯会在“几个月”内定期警告与中国开战。 来宣传澳大利亚人,以迫使我们与美国突然的反华转变保持一致,这种转变始于奥巴马政府期间,并在亲战新保守派和特朗普政府的影响下急剧升级仇华者包括史蒂夫·班农、约翰·博尔顿、彼得·纳瓦罗和迈克·蓬佩奥。 … 这些美国反华势力,以及他们在英国邪恶的亨利杰克逊协会中的新保守主义盟友,其目的是对抗中国以遏制其经济崛起,促使中国无法与美国作为超级大国竞争。 说服澳大利亚人支持这一议题是一项挑战,因为澳大利亚每年对中国有巨额贸易顺差(目前为 1200 亿美元),因此 ASPI 领导了将中国描绘成军事“威胁”的运动。 进入保罗基廷 3 月 15 日,前总理保罗·基廷 (Paul Keating) 在出席国家新闻俱乐部 (National Press Club) 的非同寻常的干预粉碎了媒体对中国威胁的叙述。 它还向所有关注的人证实,ACP …
… economic and security architecture. Unsurprising therefore, is the timing of new “revelations“ from the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI). The foreign influence operation funded by defence contractors and foreign governments, claims that Chinese “bots” are amplifying Chinese interference in Australia by supporting proChina messaging on social media, including ACP tweets. Stunningly, the ASPI articles point to criticism of AUKUS, including former PM Paul Keating’s criticisms, and PwC (p. 7) as examples of Chinese interventions. It’s all too convenient that any debate the political establishment would like suppressed comes under this umbrella! Lawfully, ASPI also claims this Chinese interference is targeting the Big Four banks, including for failing to provide regional services! This comes at a …
Foreign Policy
Police state
… 7 月在《战略家》杂志上直接发表了一篇文章,指出了如何使用该法律。针对澳大利亚公民党。由于担心我们揭露 ASPI 的情况以及我们给银行造成的损害,他们声称我们阻止地区银行关闭的行动可能是中国政府的“秘密影响行动”,其中“可能涉及社交媒体‘机器人’网军”。也许是为了限制人们对这种压制言论自由的极权主义企图的愤怒,ACMA 法案的公众咨询期已经结束,政府尚未公布意见书。 清理金融体系 … 20 世纪 80 年代接受了新自由主义和自由市场掠夺,从那时起,两个主要政党都试图超越对方,侵蚀我们主权的各个方面,并开放经济以进行金融剥削。我们与世界各地的其他人合作,对抗国际银行家集团和吸引我们许多政客的独裁统治。为了控制经济,媒体和 ASPI 等智库正在对民众进行社会工程,让他们接受他们的任何指令,包括发动战争来捍卫他们的独裁控制。 … 大厦受到欢迎以来,澳中关系达到了顶峰,我们一直是带头者,也是很长一段时间里唯一公开发出来自ASPI和情报部门的反华宣传和彻头彻尾谎言的声音。由某些政客和媒体成员向社区澳大利亚公众传播。关于新疆维吾尔人的待遇、中国在亚太地区的侵略和军事建设以及中国的外国干涉的谎言。均由澳大利亚战略政策研究所(ASPI)兜售谎言,它是错误信息和虚假信息的附庸,也是五眼联盟和美国和英国武器制造商的喉舌,这些制造商正在让澳大利亚成为他们精心策划的针对中国的战争的代理人——成为“南方的乌克兰”。 ACP研究总监 Robert Barwick 接受了《Walk the World》、《New …
… 世界再次发生了天翻地覆的变化。 今天,我们正在努力纠正这一问题。 10 月 2 日,澳大利亚公民党发布了新视频,呼吁对澳大利亚战略政策研究所 (ASPI) 进行议会调查。帝国机器上的桌子看似无所不能,实则有血有肉。一位推特用户在回应该视频时写道:“手套已经脱掉了”,而知名人士也支持了我们的 请愿书 (p.X)。 请愿书揭露了 ASPI 推动对华战争是不可避免的,并要求:“澳大利亚参议院必须调查 ASPI 代表外国军事利益操纵我国政府政策的行为。” 恢复澳大利亚在世界上的地位,更不用说我们的经济未来,都取决于这场运动。 50 年后,总理高夫·惠特拉姆 (Gough Whitlam) 在 1973 …
… to its New Cold War on China she has spearheaded for several years, in close collaboration with the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) and other academic fraudsters on this side of the Tasman. Anne-Marie Brady. Photo: YouTube Brady rose to international prominence as a source … of the Washington, DC-based Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars, where Brady is a “Global Fellow”. Like its Australian analogue ASPI, the Wilson Centre bills itself as an “independent, non-partisan think tank” but is nothing of the sort. Created by the US Congress in 1968, … subsequent predicates become “proof” by default. This is entirely unsurprising given that a major source for the Australian’s purported exposé, ASPI boy-wonder “strategic analyst” Alex Joske, was also a key contributor to Brady’s report and her most-cited individual source. “I am grateful …