Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility




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… the 2 October launch of the new Citizens Party video calling for a parliamentary investigation of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), we are witnessing an incredible remoralisation of people and institutions strengthened by seeing an organised force willing to speak the … and blood. “The gloves are off”, wrote one tweeter in reaction to the video, while prominent individuals endorsed our petition (p. 3). Exposing ASPI’s promotion of war with China as an inevitability, the petition demands: “The Australian Senate must investigate ASPI for manipulation of our government policy on behalf of foreign military interests.” Restoring Australia’s position and standing in the world, …
Foreign Policy
… militaristic masters. The Australian Strategic Policy Institute pretends to be an independent, non-partisan think tank. The truth is that ASPI would be the bringers of the death and destruction of Australia and humanity. Unless we stop them. We’re asking you to sign a petition calling upon the Senate to investigate ASPI for representing foreign influence in Australia. Video Download (This link will direct you to our VIMEO channel, where you can click … download). Sign the petition for a Parliamentary inquiry into the Australian Strategic Policy Institute: 2 Oct 2023 SoundCloud War Foreign Policy … Stop foreign influence: Investigate the Australian Strategic Policy Institute …
Foreign Policy
… 60 分钟衍生节目《调查中》由莉兹·海耶斯 (Liz Hayes) 主持,,花了一个小时煽动人们对中国的歇斯底里,据称在中国国家主席习近平亲自指挥下通过我们的手机应用程序监视每一个澳大利亚人,这样习近平就可以“控制”我们。莉兹·海耶斯或她的客人,当然也包括澳大利亚战略政策研究所 (ASPI) 的代表,从来没有解释过,为什么治理14亿中国人的习近平有时间和精力,更不用说有兴趣去治理2500万澳大利亚人。毫不意外的是,在重复 ASPI 声称中国正在干涉澳大利亚政治辩论(如《The Voice》公投)的过程中,该节目贴出了一张澳大利亚公民党ACP研究主任罗伯特·巴威克的照片,但没有任何解释或评论。然而,ACP 知道其中的原因,也知道为什么第九频道不愿透露:在去年指责中国干涉《声音》公投时,ASPI 还声称中国干涉了有关澳大利亚偏远地区银行分行关闭的辩论。是的,你没有看错——显然习近平想要拯救偏远城镇的银行服务!因为这一具体说法可能会破坏第九频道对该节目的恐怖叙述,所以他们用了 ACP 发言人的图片来代替。这就是宣传的运作方式。 最极端的反华情绪来自好战的默多克媒体旗舰 …
… propaganda which led her to establish Co-West-Pro (Countering Western Propaganda) Consultancy; and * her systematic legal approach to evaluating ASPI’s forced labour allegations, from which she proved that ASPI did not show evidence for the claims that were used around the world to pressure companies to fire their Uyghur workers. Please support Jaq …
… AUKUS 的声音。 (请注意,草案征求意见稿的提交日期已延长至 8 月 20 日,见第 X 页。) 其目的是防止澳大利亚厌倦我们目前的效忠,并转向反对战争和重建地球实体经济的“全球多数”国家。由军工联合体资助的 ASPI 反对 ACP 政策的行动完全符合破坏即将于8 月 22 日至 24 日在南非举行的金砖国家峰会的努力(第 X 页)。在国际和国内,在勇敢的澳大利亚人的领导下,更好的东西正在出现,而且它变得越明显,澳大利亚人就越会大声疾呼。我们将撕掉 ASPI 和公司的面具,将他们所代表的战争和经济破坏的风险暴露在炽热的阳光下,从而协助实现这一目标。 中文 Page last updated on 19 September 2023 … 澳大利亚人准备抛弃 AUKUS 战争联盟! …
… US government then commissioned a series of reports on Xinjiang by warmongering Canberra think tank the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI). The most influential, titled Uyghurs for Sale—released in February 2020, and which Jaq James thoroughly demolished in a paper published in … 2022—purported to prove the existence of a government-run program whereby Uyghurs were exploited as “forced labour” throughout China. 3 Later ASPI also claimed to have identified over 380 detention facilities in Xinjiang, by analysing satellite images. Many of the buildings, however, … have visited and/or made comment upon the situation in Xinjiang. The report does however cite as secondary and tertiary sources such outfits as ASPI and VCMF; human rights NGOs Amnesty International and HRW; and numerous Western mainstream media outlets. In so doing, James points out, the …
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Foreign Policy
… intended to be malicious” but is “defensive”. Hartcher quoted Samantha Hoffman of the equally Sinophobic Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) saying China’s “priority is to pre-empt all perceived threats to state security”. This is an admission, in other words, that China isn’t … Dialogue to a “cult” from which events he noticed his colleagues would return “bowing and scraping” to US interests; The viciously anti-China ASPI, which constantly accuses China of every possible crime, including hacking the 2016 census—later proved false—and whose personnel helped to … McCarthyite Silent Invasion book, is funded by the US State Department and by giant US weapons manufacturers which profit from the wars ASPI promotes; The Five Eyes “deep state” apparatus dominated by US and British intelligence now virtually dictate security and foreign policy, as …
… sector.” Canberra’s national security establishment, however, via its war-mongering think tank the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), has demanded that CRRC be railroaded out of the project because it allegedly benefits from the “forced labour” of Muslim Uyghurs held in “mass detention” in China’s northwestern Xinjiang Province. ASPI initially published these allegations in early March, and ABC News helpfully resurfaced them in October in order to pile the pressure on Andrews. As AAS has already reported, ASPI’s claims are based on deliberate academic fraud, including the mistranslation of Chinese government documents, while ironically it has itself …
Economy / Trade
Foreign Policy
… revealed the government-appointed board was stacked with strategists and China-hawks connected to the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), a government-funded defence think tank notorious for its anti-China agitating. One of the ASPI-linked members, Maree Ma, is the manager of the antiCCP Chinese-language publication Vision China Times , which denies it is operationally … Endowment for Democracy (NED), which was established in 1983 to fund regimechange insurrections previously funded by the CIA. IWPR also funds ASPI, through a recent payment which was never publicly declared. Committee on the Present Danger Falun Gong's newspaper. Falun Gong’s media empire …