Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility




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… Abandoned Sterling First tenants forced into Court to save their home … 27 June 2023 - Citizens Party Media Release The Sterling First fiasco proves the importance of the current Senate inquiry into ASIC, which is a once-in-a-decade opportunity to fix the pathetic regulator …
… If they won’t compensate Sterling First victims, they won’t compensate anyone … 7 April 2022 - Citizens Party Media Release The Citizens Party has a message for the hundreds of thousands of financial victims in Australia: If Labor won’t compensate the elderly, sick and dying Sterling First victims who all face eviction and homelessness due to the systemic failings of the regulator (described below), you can’t rely on …
… Victory in fight for Senate inquiry into Sterling First and ASIC—now let’s make it work! … 22 October 2021 - Citizens Party Media Release Following more than two years of mental anguish which claimed 16 lives, the elderly Sterling First tenants who are victims of ASIC have succeeded in achieving their first goal of a Senate inquiry. On Wednesday this week, 20 …
Banking / Finance
Law / Justice
Australia Post
Banking / Finance
National Banking
Royal Commission
Financial Crisis
… Call Senators to demand inquiry into ASIC and Sterling First … 30 August 2021 - Citizens Party Media Release This week is an opportunity to push the Senate to establish an inquiry that can lay bare the … of the corporate regulator, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). One of the worst of ASIC’s scandals is the collapse of Sterling First, which has left 140 elderly pensioners and retirees facing eviction onto the streets. To see how badly ASIC failed, take five …