Australian Citizens Party Citizens Taking Responsibility



London’s 'Temple Mount Plot' behind Israel's genocide in Gaza - Interview with Michele Steinberg


London’s 'Temple Mount Plot' behind Israel's genocide in Gaza - Interview with Michele Steinberg
An Australia Post ‘people’s bank’—a win-win solution for the nation

A Post Office “People’s” Bank

An Australia Post ‘people’s bank’—a win-win solution for the nation
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Stop foreign Influence

Sign Petition calling on the Australian Senate to Investigate ASPI
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Stop Bail-In

Stop ‘Bail-in’

To save failing banks regulators can write off or convert into effectively worthless shares a percentage of deposits!
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1 Jul 2024

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Rennick shock exposes sham of Australian ‘democracy’

Featured Publications

The genesis of austerity (Series)

Australians are suffering mortgage and rental stress in record numbers, for the sake of “fighting inflation”—a bogus target, which prioritises private bankers’ balance sheets over people’s well-being. What you need to know, to get free of this brutal policy, is in “The genesis of austerity”, a nine-part series by Australian Alert Service editor Elisa Barwick. Published in the Australian Almanac over the course of 2023, this ugly story of how “austerity” became economic and political dogma is now available as a pamphlet!

Click here to get more details on the Genesis for Austerity publication and access to PDF.

Plunging towards World War III: The Made-in-London ‘Temple Mount’ Plot behind the Israel-Hamas War

This dossier collects research and warnings made 24 years ago, that high-level British establishment figures were inciting a religious war between Israel and the Palestinians. The focus is the Temple Mount (al-Haram ash-Sharif) in Jerusalem, the site of Islamic holy sites where Jewish radicals and literalist Christians want to rebuild King Solomon’s Temple. That “Temple Mount Plot” has now born terrible fruit: the role of provocations on the Temple Mount in triggering the Israel-Hamas war and the Israeli military’s current slaughter of civilians in Gaza is no secret. The dossier, however, lays bare the deeper springs of this war, and the danger of its exploding into World War III—an eschatological, or “End Times”, ideology on the part of both the would-be Third Temple builders, and of their higher-up patrons and instigators.

Click here to get more details on the Plunging towards World War III: The Made-in-London ‘Temple Mount’ Plot behind the Israel-Hamas War publication and access to PDF.


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Support post offices—tell the government to stop Australia Post closing them.

5 Jun 2024

Jacques Cheminade, president of the Solidarity and Progress Party, a long-time leader in the international Schiller Institute, and friend of the Australian Citizens Party, is running for the French

27 Jun 2024

4 June—One of the most dangerous factors in the current world situation is the refusal of some major countries’ leaders to recognise the security interests of other major countries, and their commitment to defend them.

7 Jun 2024

28 May—The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation was once a world leader in inventing and developing technologies and industrial processes to improve the lives of Australians, and indeed all mankind.

7 Jun 2024

At the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore on 31 May-2 June, US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin demanded China cease “supporting Russia’s defence industrial base”.

6 Jun 2024